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This forum contains general information about diet, health and nutrition. The information is not advice and is not a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.
  1. So Im gonna be buying a bowl this weekend and I was wonder, do they need to be cleaned occasionally or something? Also, whats a good place to hide it so your mom doesnt find it?​

  2. #2 Pcreme, Feb 24, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 24, 2009
    1. ISO 91% + Coarse Salt = Clean Glass

    2. The expansion port of your PS2 or the closet would probably suffice.
  3. 2. Try hollowing out a deodorant container, and put it in there, or the back of a boombox. Also, what I do, is open up the side of my desktop, and hide it there, they will never look.

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