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Bowl of Pure Kief

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by myoldid, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. I want to smoke bowls of pure kief.
    There is a problem however, the screen I use is not fine enough and some of the kief just ends up falling through.
    How do I prevent this from happening without putting bud in it, as I want the pure taste and effects of the kief alone, not mixed with bud.

    I very fine screen should do the job, but I'm not sure where to get one other than butchering a 4-piece grinder for its mesh.
  2. hot knifes.
  3. #3 RExx, Mar 12, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2012
    make a lightbulb vaporizer. that is your best bet.

    Do it.

    ....takes 5 minutes to make find a fucking lightbulb in your house, dig it out, clean it then dry it, make cap/pen tube for it and you're all fuckin set then you go on and light that bitch up ya dig.
  4. i prefer smoking kief in a one hitter. you don't need but a pinch of kief to get high. there's no need to burn a whole bowl of it...
  5. Put a tiny piece of bud over the hole. It's not gonna ruin the taste of the kief if its just a small piece. Or press the kief into a tablet. I've done that, it doesn't break down if you have enough to make a big tablet
  6. Take a tiny bit of it and make into hash, big enough to cover the bowl.

    Ta da!
  7. find a small containter and press it into a disk wt your finger
  8. Press it into kief-hash and stick it in the bowl, a little pressure (like a book) will work fine.

  9. Ya not like we're going to find something fine enough for kief, so pressing it together seems like the best option.
  10. Get yourself a glass screen and your problem is solved. i would never put a metal screen in a glass piece anyways, defeats the purpose imo, who wants to taste or even get the possible chemicals that could come off of a heated metal screen.
  11. Press it into hash and boom, problem solved.

    You're not adding anything to it except pressure, heat, and love.
  12. Makes sense, a lot of hash is just compressed kief anyways.
    Gonna compress my kief using parchment paper, a wet towel and low iron heat. Should make a nice little paddy that's easily workable.
  13. The resin in the pipe will taint the taste anyway so..... stop being picky and put a lil bud in there
  14. Rip a small piece of a rolling paper put it on top of the screen then put the kief on the paper

    Or you can even wrap the kief in a rolling paper like something that starts with M and just put that it the bowl
  15. [quote name='"myoldid"']Makes sense, a lot of hash is just compressed kief anyways.
    Gonna compress my kief using parchment paper, a wet towel and low iron heat. Should make a nice little paddy that's easily workable.[/quote]

    That's what I was going to recomend

  16. Like a little kief dumpling. I might try that, seems simple.

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