Ever have that feeling summin really bad is about to happen? company doing layoffs, report card coming, the day before your execution? Well im getting that feeling pretty strong right about know....heres y: http://forum.grasscity.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=4566
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was growing you flowers for Mothers Day! that's a Classic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lmao.....wishin' ya the best of luck DaWodin, but still LMAO!! One of the most original alibi's yet!!! LOL
It would be a good Idea to come up with an excuse forum so people who think they might be cought couls study them and even make up their own version to talor it to their own needs.
LOL so does that mean, come mother's day you will be presenting a big bud bouqet to your mom? heehee good one DaWodin