Bought my first bong today!

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by CHIxCITY, Apr 6, 2012.

  1. So I went glass shopping and came along this beauty for a hundo... I heard of fake roors but I think its legit pretty great piece.

    Attached Files:

  2. Really nice piece mate, be careful dont break it (always happens to me with glass pieces eventually). Anyway fillerup and let her rip, enjoy!
  3. 100? I think its prob fake or you got a hell of a deal lol
    Either way, enjoy! :smoke:

  4. this
    100 for a RooR this size is either the world's best buy ever, or a fake
    im not the best at being able to tell real from fake, but there is a real/fake identification thread, as a sticky near the top of this subsection, maybe you want to check that out?
    have fun with it regardless!!! :smoke: :smoke:
  5. I'll be that guy...its fake
  6. Definitely a fake, but then again RooR's are overpriced and you can still tell bitches it's a RooR! So when you think about it, fake RooR owners are the winnar because 99 percent of women don't know anything about glass and you kept enough money for an ounce!

    Silver lining motherfucker, do you see it?
  7. It may be a fake RooR but it's still a real bong!!
  8. Real or not, as long as it's decently thick glass, it's a great piece for ~$100. So long as it came with that downstem and bowl. I like it. :smoke:
  9. not bad price for a fake one. go back and try and talk down a new bowl for it or something
  10. [quote name='"Scalpemnoles"']Definitely a fake, but then again RooR's are overpriced and you can still tell bitches it's a RooR! So when you think about it, fake RooR owners are the winnar because 99 percent of women don't know anything about glass and you kept enough money for an ounce!

    Silver lining motherfucker, do you see it?[/quote]

    lol nice pulp fiction reference
  11. I love my bong!! Rips like a champ!! For 100 it was most definitely worth it! Smoked about a half of kush out of it already. 1/2 Northern Lights, 1/2 Sour Diesel. I can tell you one thing.... 7 years smoking this thing got me the highest I ever been lol i officially love bongs!!! GLASS >>>>
  12. It took ya 7 years to fall in love with bongs?! Im just kiddin' man, good grab.
  13. replace that downstem with some other one with more diffusion and youl have a better/faster milk and smoooth hits trust me its def worth it one holes cause so much drag and are jus one huge bubble

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