Bored with weed

Discussion in 'General' started by TheDudeAbides, Oct 12, 2006.

  1. Sup all my fellow blades,
    it's been a good while since i last chiefed. and to be honest, i have no impetus to start again. I just feel so bored with it. Anyone else get like this?
  2. nope. i love my mary jane.

    Sounds like your in need of a tolerance break my friend.
  3. How so, High tollerance? How long have you not been smoking now?

    I got burned out, and my tollerance was way too high and I became bored cause the affects would just mellow me out but I would never get really high how much I smoked.

    Im taking a tollerance break right now, on day 12 and will start up again in a week or so, and I can't wait.
  4. Yeah I thought that last night right before I hit the bong. :p
  5. sometimes its not as fun but I dont think I could ever get bored of weed:smoking:
  6. Did you miss the part of my post where i stated i havent cheifed in a long time? Why in gods name would i need a tollerence break if i dont have a tollerence to begin with?
  7. i haven't smoked in 6 months.
  8. Welcome to GC jjaj2022, you know you need a tollerance break when bong hits don't get you ripped.. that is what lead me to my break.

  9. That's kind of how I am beginning to feel now. I kinda like the idea of having to sneak around my parents and hide shit... whenever they are outta town and I have a big sack of buds and my bong just sitting out, it just isnt the same. Its more of a thing to do to pass time

  10. Then that just plan out sucks. If you really dont like weed that much anymore, why in god's name are you on a weed forum?

  11. Ill never get tired of dope.
  12. Why is he still on the forum? HA!, because he knows he still loves can never go back!:)
  13. Do it if you want to, don't if you don't. Pretty simple. No reason for him not to be at GC, though
  14. How can u be bored if u havent done it in 6 months? Its not like u have been doing it and got sick of it somewhere u havent done it in awhile so how is it boring?
  15. get out of here buzz-poper!,lol naw.. well toke up man, get that chronic or hash and take bong hit:smoking:
  16. Settle down...

    "your kind of a hyper guy for a pothead." :D im just messin hahahaha its my 19th and im fucked up
  17. Well, I'm wondering how you're bored with it if it's been six months since u last toked? It sounds like, maybe, you aren't bored with it, but you're bored with the very idea of smoking? Kinda like when u don't feel like going out, you just wanna stay in u know? Is it like that, where u r just bored with the ppl, and the atmosphere, u know? Sounds like you need to spark up to me...haha. Then you'll remember how awesome it is!
  18. U havent toked in 6 months and your bored with weed?? Find a new connect and get better strains if they are available, try to get your hands on some hash, keif. I gurantee if u do this you wont be bored at all
  19. no dude. smoke one more time and i guarantee once you get high you'll say its been way too long. well, actually, i dont guarantee that because it could be possible that you're bored with it...

    i guess... find something else?

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