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bong lung?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Jackhererwasright, Sep 4, 2008.

  1. iz there such a thing? is it worse for ur lungs than a pipe or a spliff
  2. If anything its better for you, cleans out all the shit you dont want man
  3. idk man i've been thinking this for a little while...i've been hitting my bong consistently every day for a couple years and now its like my lungs are programmed to take bong's hard to breath passed that point sometimes when i try and take a deep breath and like top out my lungs.
  4. Bongs are the safest way to smoke herb. Change the water in your bong if it becomes yellow- brown... after that it starts to filter out less and less of the other un-wanted chemicals etc.

    After that you're golden
  5. don't know about all those previous posts... Bongs dont really filter out too much of the carcinogens etc. They probably are harsher on your lungs because you are putting more smoke into your lungs at one time which = more tar in your lungs which = worse for your lungs. Look on erowid, im too lazy to find a link but im pretty sure im right.
  6. wrong. vaporizers are the healthiest way
  7. also bongs are better then pipes/joints/blunts becuase the water filters some bad stuff out and cools the smoke
  8. Vapes are first Bongs second...
  9. Vapes arn't smoking weed...

    I knew posting that i would come across this remark
  10. well then point out you know kid. when you vaporize smoke come out of your lungs, there for smoke got in.

  11. Smoke is the product of combustion it is primarily carbon.

    Vaporizing is the process of heating thc into it's gaseous state then inhaling that. If you use a proper vape (such as a volcanoe) then you will only get a clear bag of thc/air, but what i dont know is when using a lightbuld vape, it produces a thin stream of smoke-like gas. WHat i wonder if any one could clarify is; is the gas thc from the volcanoe diluted (so as to give it the clear apperance) or is pure thc clear, and using a lightbuld vape, you heat up other cannibinoids that are smokey in appearance.

    I'm not even going to get into the fact you called me a kid because i dont want to start a flame war, but yeah there is no need to insult (although critisism is appreciated)
  12. smoke [​IMG] \t\t[​IMG] Audio Help /smoʊk/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[smohk] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, smoked, smok·ing. –noun 1.the visible vapor and gases given off by a burning or smoldering substance, esp. the gray, brown, or blackish mixture of gases and suspended carbon particles resulting from the combustion of wood, peat, coal, or other organic matter. 2.something resembling this, as vapor or mist, flying particles, etc. 3.something unsubstantial, evanescent, or without result: Their hopes and dreams proved to be smoke. obscuring condition: the smoke of controversy. act or spell of smoking something, esp. tobacco: They had a smoke during the intermission. 6.something for smoking, as a cigar or cigarette: This is the best smoke on the market. 7.Slang. marijuana. 8.Slang. a homemade drink consisting of denatured alcohol and water. 9.Physics, Chemistry. a system of solid particles suspended in a gaseous medium. 10.a bluish or brownish gray color. –verb (used without object) give off or emit smoke, as in burning. give out smoke offensively or improperly, as a stove. send forth steam or vapor, dust, or the like. draw into the mouth and puff out the smoke of tobacco or the like, as from a pipe or cigarette. 15.Slang. to ride or travel with great speed. 16.Australian. flee. abscond. –verb (used with object) draw into the mouth and puff out the smoke of: to smoke tobacco. use (a pipe, cigarette, etc.) in this process. expose to smoke. fumigate (rooms, furniture, etc.). cure (meat, fish, etc.) by exposure to smoke. color or darken by smoke.

    vapor isnt smoke? /thread
  13. Yeah... it's true and it's very real. you see, i've got more bong's lung than Dr.Seuss.
    But on a more serious note.... To anyone saying a bong purifies the smoke... it does but not very much the whole point is...
    • Cooling the smoke, thus making for a much bigger hit.
    Honestly and Truthfully
  14. vapor isnt smoke. Its part of some smoke but seeing there is no carbon particles or burning or smoldering of substance:wave:
  15. vapor IS smoke because smoke IS vapor ... Does it make sense now kid ?
  16. according to you:

    Vapor = smoke

    this is wrong because vapor is only one of the ingrediants of smoke so there is no way they are equal
  17. Yeah dude, vapor isn't smoke lol. If you've ever tried a vape you would know.
  18. Dude you're just wrong ok? You're WRONG. VAPOR is NOT SMOKE.
  19. smoke IS a vapor. i just looked it up. you tell dictionary they are wrong, and they change it, i will completely agree with you. and yes i have a vap, want a pic ?
  20. Who said smoke is not a vapor? We're saying VAPOR is not a SMOKE.

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