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Bong and pipe questions ...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Owen, Sep 26, 2009.

  1. Does a bong with a small bowl work as well as a pipe with the same sized bowl?
  2. I believe bongs "waste" more green than a pipe/chillum would.
  3. Okay thanks :D
  4. hmm.. i believe a bong would get you a hell of alot more higher the pipe. all my bong hitter would agree. :bongin::bongin::bongin:
  5. After taking a second look at what you said, what is all your bong hitter?

    bongs > buckets > everything else (vapes, joints, blunts, bubblers, pipes, etc)
  6. i guess i forgot to put a "s" after hitter.
  7. If the smoke is just going through water how does it get you higher? wouldn't it get you less high?
  8. Water just cools down and filters the hit through the water. bongs get you higher because the hits are way bigger. If you take a spoon, it has the same concept as a bong, but look how much bigger the hits are in a bong. :)
  9. i am an idiot for not realizing that, and I agree with you.
  10. I just want to support the other bong folks here by saying regardless of the bowl size bongs are the best way to smoke cannabis. I like spoons and bubs and all glass, and I can definitely enjoy a J or a blunt but when it comes right down to it bongs are where its at.
  11. I believe Blunts "waste" more green than a Bong would. :bongin:
  12. yeah, but vapes are the MOST efficient, meaning least amount of waste.

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