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Boiling Grinder in Milk

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Antivist, Jun 19, 2018.

  1. I've heard before that if your grinder is getting pretty sticky and caked you can take it and put it in hot milk over the stove before it starts to boil for about 30 minutes and drink it to get you high. Has anyone tried this before and can give me some advice before I try it for myself. I got some chocolate whole milk that I want to try tonight. Also about how do you know when the grinder should be cleaned like this? I think my grinder needs some cleaning, but some examples of when to clean would be appreciated :)
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  2. thc binds to fat milk has fat so it's reasonable that it would work. i typically just wash my grinder out with iso and smoke that once it drys tho.
  3. Wtf.....

    Troll thread?

    Just soak it in some isopropyl.....

    Geeze, milk.

    "Metal Gear!"
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  4. The point of it is the THC binds to the fat content in milk so you can drink the milk and get an edible high while cleaning your grinder.
  5. I've heard a lot of people saying it works, but wanted to hear some personal experiences and tips. I didn't know I could just wash it with Iso and soak it though. How do I do that?
  6. But you're also extracting metals and oxides and the metal coating and exposing it to water which opens it up to rust.

    Iso does not cause rust.

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  7. I'm not using water I'm using milk at relatively low temperatures.
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  8. just wash it with Iso and soak it then dump it out on a plate and let it dry scrape up what remains.
  9. Not enough to make it a concern for rusting for short periods of time, nor would it be corrosive enough to extract any metal oxides from the coating.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Milk is 80-95% water............

    And you're asking about boiling your grinder in milk.

    Oxides form with exposure to air, water will remove those oxides. Boiling water (milk which is water sugars protiens and lactose) will form and extract more oxides.

    Ever leave water in a disposable aluminum pan? Turns black, those are oxides. They come off very easily.

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  11. Except none of that would even happen within short periods of time or be in large enough quantities to do anything. Also just having milk at temperatures that low for that short a period of time wouldn't cause any chemical reactions that you're talking about. Plus your point was about causing it to rust which wouldn't happen as my grinder is made of aluminum.
  12. All of the things I covered just ignored completely.....

    Do what you want. Have fun.

    Sent from my SM-G925P using Grasscity Forum mobile app
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  13. OP is a damn Billy or a Troll lmao

    Why would you ever boil a grinder in milk??

    I boil my downstem to clean it but that's as far as I'll go with boiling stuff to clean shit...

    If you could clean a grinder with milk then none of us would ever buy iso/other cleaning products...

    I swear some people are just full blown looneys on here...
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  14. If you look this topic up online you'll see it's not a new thing
  15. How will it work without decarbing first???
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. That's why I created a thread to ask if I had to decarb first or not. I've heard some people saying they put it in the oven to decarb then put it in the milk, but most people I've seen say they just put it in the milk for like 45 minutes with no mention of decarbing.
  17. Boiling............

    45 minutes........

    Completely contradicting your self every time you post so you don't have to say "I'm wrong".

    Fifth person this week.

    "Metal Gear!"
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