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body high v head high

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by HashSlasher11, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. so im not sure if its just all in me or what but i feel that like the first hour or so i have a reeealllly good nice head high (music, games everything is crazy nuts) then like the 2nd hour i just get a really heavy body high like if i stay still i just feel it pushing at my body.
    does this happen to u fellas?
  2. Yes, depends on the ratio of the sativa/indica %
  3. its due to the crossing of strains, head high = sativa body high = indica. the differne t% of Ind/Sat in the dif strains, as well as the other cannabinoid level difs between the 2 are the reason for the differing effects strains
  4. Yea last night I ripped a few bowls with my bro then played some Street Fighter (oldschool version) and was freakin out the first hour.After that I was struggling to keep my eyelids open/get off the chair!

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