Bobo: The Dragon Legacy (Too long and stuff for ADD)

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by OscarZetaAcosta, Mar 19, 2013.

  1. #1 OscarZetaAcosta, Mar 19, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2018
    So, uh...This is the biography I wrote for my pet dragon.:cool:


    I'm not really sure where Bobo came from, he says he is from some far off distant universe that is in a different time than that of our own. This is what he tells me “This is what waits for you in death, there is no heaven or hell, no Gods or Devils, you just go onto another universe to live out a life there.” I don't know if I believe him, but he has been alive for at least 1,000 years according to himself (I found him in 2011). His skin is of an off-green color, scales really, millions of them; he stands some odd hundreds of stories and weighs hundreds of thousands of pounds, he is one hell of a giant. He says his lineage is 100% Draconian, one of the few things that our lore is correct on, although I corrected him that we also seem to of randomly got their size dimensions as well; he laughs it off.

    I'm not entirely sure how Bobo ended up staying here, or if his name is even Bobo ¦Much less male. He isn't very talkative, but he has shared a bit of wisdom. He said that this is just the way it is and how things are supposed to be, he says that it is like a revolving door, it is always going to come around. It isn't your fault that your forefather's created hate, it isn't our fault that in a time you weren't even thought of your leaders' waged hell on less capable countries. No, no it is not your fault, all you have is now and all you can do is learn from the past, but no, you will not do that either. Because that is not according to a pattern, and if there is one thing that we are, we are a people of patterns. Bobo says that this is how and why we were created, to live and die until we can manage to survive long enough to just die off again later on.

    I asked him if there was any way that it could change, maybe our civilization could rise above everything and accomplish great things instead; but still he says that the end is inevitable, the individual life though, that is one of a kind. He tells me that all worlds get tied up in the same thing, the ultimate end of it all but he says that it isn't really an end at all no, it is just a beginning somewhere else, another place to develop relationships and close confidants, another world to either change for the better or the inevitable worst. It is just the way things have always been, he tells me, you've always tried to avoid the end, he compares it to all of the youth-promising product commercials and their promise of young beauty for the old, "feel young again!" he exclaims with an almost ironic pride, even if you could, you wouldn't want to live forever.

    Through time Bobo has watched cultures get created, built to a great empire, and destroyed in a matter of years. Some even last hundreds, fewer still thousands. He has watched as entire armies swarm into small villages and massacre everyone, taking all of their valuables, arts, and culture and throwing them in a fire to burn. He saw the birth of Buddha, Christ, Allah and others and he will be here when they all end. He was there when Rome almost controlled the world, to when the revolutionaries fought to free themselves from the English, even when Hitler attempted to take over the world. That is all you want, really; just power and control over others.

    Some of what he says is gibberish but the real points are in the intent, this is not to change whatever you may believe nor is this a declaration of anything. Bobo says this is just something else to consider.  Because ideas can be molded, changed, and altered even done away with entirely, but beliefs, those are tricky. Bobo says that beliefs are necessary for culture; they motivate, destroy, and change things quicker than anything else. God is necessary because some people want explanations, answers; others, like you, preach doubt and questions. A curiosity that he says can lead to great things, or greatly terrible things.

    He tells me "Everyone has a gift, a talent, something they can do better than anyone else; something that if used properly can change things immensely, for better or worse." Then he gives a few examples, I really should have recorded his tremendous list but my batteries failed me about half-way through, off the top of my head: Leonardo da Vinci was to practically everything, Dalai Lama embodies the peace man is capable of, Benjamin Franklin displays the unity that we should have; and some of the worse were Adolf Hitler I'm really not going to explain these, Joseph Stalin, and Idi Amin Dada alright, you probably don't know who Amin Dada is, he was the third president of Uganda categorized by human rights abuse, ethnic persecution among others, thought to be responsible for hundreds of thousands of innocent lives. Bobo is no slouch here, I mean, this dragon has come across some pretty influential people and here he is with me. Something obviously went wrong.

    "How did you get stuck in this shithole?" I asked rather plainly, "Good question." He answered with a slight chuckle; cynicism has a way of being funny like that to the right individual. "The universe I was at before this one was at its end, I left just days before it all ended, just sucked itself in." I sat there with my mouth at the floor in shock; come on now, it isn't every day you get to witness something like that! "What is it like to witness something like that?" I ask as I begin to warm up to the idea of asking a dragon that can not only eat me but cook me before he does a question. "Indescribable."  He answered back just as simply as it is written, "You can't explain something like that, the words do not exist." That's a pretty hefty claim, given we have words now that shouldn't even be words "Lol."

    I decided to see if I could get some more answers from him, and since we were kind of warming up to each other at this point I figured I could get a real good story here. "Did you ever help the people of a time before all the technological advancements, like perhaps the cavemen?" I think I caught a smile, or a grin, I'm either going to die or he thought it was quirky. "The technology didn't carry over from the First Civilization, but yes, we helped a bit." Which brought me to another question; "How much of our history books is correct?" I asked with a juvenile grin. "Most of it." Damn, can't pull one over this green giant's eyes. I mean, on one hand he kind of already proves my theory that they once existed in a time where record keeping wasn't a priority, which would vastly change the historical perspective I was however looking for something with a bit more substance, like it was Russians that crashed in Roswell, New Mexico or that Elvis in fact just went home.

    "Now I must go, I've outlived my purpose here, Peace." God no, miss this?! "Wait, no, what? I mean, I'm catching a killer scoop here?!" He looked at me plainly; "You will be fine, life hasn't taken you out yet and you still have a pen, pllenty of more scoops after me." He replied back as he started to take off, just before he leaped through my roof leaving me a hefty Goddamn repair bill and a hole in my damn house, I managed just one more question "How?" He quickly looked back and said "Not how, when."
    • Creative Creative x 2
  2. Shameless bump for my struggling author ass.

    I'm actually curious to any input with this one...I'm going to try and get it published based solely off social marketing, anonymously.:cool:
    • Like Like x 1
  3. yea....not reading that
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Why thank you for sharing good fellow.:cool:
  5. That's pretty cool mon I am a fan of dragons anyways and I liked it a lot good Job OZA Much Respect! :hello:

    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  6. Appreciated, Toni...I cleaned it up a bit before I threw the link to you, the punctuation didn't age well over the years so it probably reads like a mess right now.

    Glad you enjoyed it though...Told y'all I had a pet dragon.:coolalt:
    • Winner Winner x 1

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