
Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by GroTrees, May 2, 2006.

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  1. Am i the only one who see\'s a problem with paying 78$ + for a 25 pack of blunts. I know i shouldnt bitch because if i dont like the price i can go somwhere else, however if i was buying stuff off this site, id like to know i could throw in a box of blunts for a reasonable price. Personally id like to buy a spoon off here and maybe some other things, but more importantly i need to get some blunts. I find it a hassle to have to buy from several differnt sites off the internet. I know a site where i can get a 25 pack of kingpin blunts for under 10$, and even 20$ would be reasonable, but 78$ is ridiculous. I\'m not asking for my two cents too be noted, but i thought hearing them might be financially profitable for either your site or me, maybe im just misinformed on the matter.Thanks. . .
  2. That 78$ gets you 25 packs of blunts, not 1 pack.
  3. This thread\'s over a year old.
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