Blue cheese phenotype.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by BLT85, Sep 2, 2017.

  1. I was wondering if anyone could help me understand how phenotypes work. I like Indicas. This year Im growing a white widow by Dinafem and a Blue Cheese by Barney's farm. The white widow has the typical fat Indica leaves you would expect from white widow, but my blue cheese seems to very much on the sativa side at least with the look of the leaves. It's advertised as almost pure Indica, so will it still give a Indica high or does that all change with the pheno. Basically is it just the look or will the entire plant be more sativa? Thanks for the help and I'm sorry if this isn't in the correct place or I missed a post.

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  2. Photos would help.....
  3. Idk why that one is sideways

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  4. Idk why this picture didn't work last time. Sorry I'm new with this app [​IMG]

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  5. By my eye they both appear to be indica dominant. I don't see a thin Sativa structure.
    The plant below is Sativa dominant.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  6. Really? The top view of the BC doesn't look like sativa leaves? Your picture didn't seem to work

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  7. Thank you for the reply btw

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  8. No. Not to my eye. Hmm I'm looking at my reply and can see the photo just fine.
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  9. Thank you.

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  10. So they look healthy to You? Sorry to keep bothering you lol I'm just a total noob. It would be a bummer to care for these all summer and realize I messed something up.

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  11. This app is so strange. It's not showing the other top pictures of the BC and the WW pics aren't showing at all today

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  12. I have grown pure Afghan from DNA seeds that had much thinner leaves than you would think an indica would (leaves looked sativa on top, indica on bottom) but she finished in 9 weeks with an indica stone. I wouldn't worry too much.
  13. I have grown pure Afghan from DNA seeds that had much thinner leaves than you would think an indica would (leaves looked sativa on top, indica on bottom) but she finished in 9 weeks with an indica stone. I wouldn't worry too much.

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