blue balls, its not a myth

Discussion in 'General' started by ondrugz, Aug 13, 2007.

  1. so i went to the movies with my freind and his gf and her friend(it was kind of a blind date i guess)long story short she was playing with my rod like she was gonna take it home but after the movie we parted ways, now my balls hurt :( :mad: wtf is a player to do?
  2. No shit it aient a myth.

    I can only think of it once happenin to me.

    Homeboy was drivin, I was shotty we was drivin through this trailer park lookin for some kat and my girl was in the backseat and she was trying to convince me not to do what we had to do.

    Well she was all up on my shit and blowin in my ear and all types of shit jus got me super in the mood and we couldnt find dude and had a good half hour ride back where we was and shit jus killed me. Homeboy could tell and was hittin all sorts of pot holes which made it 100 times worse.
  3. *points at your hand*
  4. *points at Scapris' mouth*
  5. ... it was never a myth bud!

    had this happen very frequently with my ex. she sucked at... sucking amongst other things, so i was often left with a job to finnish myself. the worst tho was this one time she just got "tired" and i got pissed and just went to her bathroom, beat it and then went home without staying the rest of the evening. it wouldnt have been an issue if it hadnt happened over and over again.

  6. lol + rep
  7. haha this is interesting
  8. I once had a g/f down on my unit during the Blair witch project 2. LONGEST fucking movie of my life, I kept trying to get her to just get down on her knees but she said there where too many people in the movie theater.

    Luckily that movie sucked enough for the both of them. Zing.

  9. wtf... how old are you? 15?

    dude i'll tell you what to do go find some porn and have sex with palmala. next time take that hizzoe to a hotel and hit that shit raw dogg.
  10. ill be 19 next month

    and i wear rubbers son, i aint tryin to catch the ninja
  11. dude i feel u one day i was chillen with this bitch at my pad alone and we were fuckin around kinda but and she was playin wit it then she left cuz she had to go somewhere and it was fuckin dyin for like 2 hours after, i beat it but it still kinda hurt after
  12. foreal, that shit dont go away so fast
  13. def bro, my friends say they have some remedies but its all bullshit..
  14. reminds me of highschool.. freshmen year.. girlfriend at the time used to dry fuck the shit out of me when we would make out.. like totally grind all up on me just being a complete tease. I would go home with the bluest of balls and beat off for hours after getting home. haha, those were the days of innocence and no worries
  15. I hate when a bitch does that to me. Tell her if she starts she better finish. First time I got blue balls I was like 15 just got back from a club that I had been grinding with all these girls the whole time. Get home and I am chillin' with a friend smoking a blunt and I pass it and say "OH MY GOD! IT FEELS LIKE MY BALLS HAVE JUST BLOWN UP!" and we laughed for a good 10 minutes, then I went into the bathroom for a little while came out and good bye blue balls.
  16. hell fuckin' no, who the fuck told you this shit was a myth?

    It's real dog.

    It's real.

    and it sucks.

  17. i know your exact pain ... my most recent ex used to do that shit all the time so i finally tease the fuck outa her up until she was about to pop an o and just stopped then i dumped her ... talked way to much anyways
  18. beating off always helped. releaves the stress.
  19. I prolly have the worst story... Iv had blue balls twice... I suggest you read these cuz they are embarassing, but funny nonetheless, so I thought id share them.

    first one... was just half hookin up with a longtime friend and things didnt go as far as planned... WELL I was pretty damn young (15), and DAMN did my balls hurt, felt like they exploded. So Im freakin out, in so much rediculous pain trying to find ways to stop the pain. Well... I had the GREAT idea to take a shower... horrible fuckin idea. Try drying off your balls when you cant touch em. I had no idea what to do, so I grabbed the blow dryer and got to work haha (keep in mind I have fairly long hair but I dont blow dry my hair). I guess when I was in the shower my mom got home... It was pretty funny the look on her face when she saw my hair was still soaked, so she had to throw out the question why my hair was wet, because she had heard the blow dryer. I slowly walked away and fell asleep to dull the pain without even speaking a word.

    second one... this one lives in infamy among me and my friends. So I dated this one chick awhile back and her best friend moved away... skip forward next year of course im not datin the same chick, but her friend came back... and i guess took interest in me. I'm not one to pass up an opportunity, so one day when my friend kyle, me, and her had skipped school we went to my place. Kyle was on the computer leavin us be while me n her were havin fun. She was a virgin and planned on stayin that way, but damn was it easy getting her clothes off... we had our fun for quite awhile, but I was definitely unsatisfied and was complainin how i was startin to get blue balls from all the teasin. She called me over and started undoin my pants and I was all for it. Skip forward agaiiin... 20 minutes later this bitch has been suckin my dick the whole time, and I just wasnt feeling it... no fuck that, no one in the world could possibly give worse head then that. It gets to the point where shes embarassed and winds up leavin (I turned the TV on and just chilled and watched letting her have her fun... prolly annoyed her cuz I wasnt payin attention). After this the blue balls just hit me. As soon as I closed the door behind her I fell to the floor holdin my balls screaming "FUUUUUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUUUUUUCK". My friend comes out, just laughing his ass off... I had never been in so much pain in my life... I couldnt walk or do anything... my friend was makin me laugh and everytime i laughed i was afraid my balls would pop... and on top of that i had to shit, which was obviously out of the question. I crawled around for a couple hours until my friend and his girl arrived, so i told em the story, which led to countless hours of hysterical laughter... that day will forever be engraved in my memory... ohhh the horror.

    Like I said, kinda embarassing for me, but ehh... who gives a shit, enjoy the laugh at my expense guys... only for GC.

  20. hit that shit raw dog... that sounds like an eminem lyric.. i think it was guilty conscience... good song

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