So I’m going to be going into flower soon ; I wanted to get some fert. To be prepared so I went to the grow store and picked out the one listed below ; What are your thoughts on it being used alone ? Or is there other things I should be adding to this regimen ? And any tips and advice are always welcome Sent from my iPhone
Roots makes good stuff. Their top dress stuff is real similar to what I use. Got some samples earlier this year.
So u are only feeding organically? Can't say what that will do! Are u growing no till style and don't want to add salts? Sent from my SM-G935T using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Im not only using organic ; I have native soil unfortunately cuz at the time didn’t have the funds ; And I’m just wondering if this will be enough to feed them through flower or should I add more fertilizers . Sent from my iPhone