bloody hell

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by EASYBOY, May 28, 2001.

  1. Is there anyone you two wouldn't speak to ha,ha.No offence I've just noticed you seem to speak to every one who enters this site, are you the welcoming party ye. I suppose the site belongs to who ever uses it, really but ye whatever, HOWDY ANYWAY!.A hello ain't exactly what I was looking for, but thanx :rolleyes:
  2. Which 2 are you referring to?

    I was tempted to just post "what the hell". lol

    What is your name?

    What is your quest?

    What is your favorite color?
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Sir. Robin.

    To seek the Grail.



    i welcome people so they fell welcome and to try to make more friends. it is not my job to welcome everyone and to respond to every post. but i try to add my thoughts when i can.
  4. ... and why not be friendly, doesn't hurt :D

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