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bloodshot eyes

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ATM4, Aug 7, 2010.

  1. Im not sure why, pretty much everytime i smoke my eyes turn bloodshot, even if im a little high. my eyes always seem to be the redest and ive been smoking for a while too. any reasons or ways for them not to get so red??? im new to the community too, so take it easy on me :D. thanks!
  3. good shit blunt that about sums it up :p

    welcome to the city man :wave:
  4. Forgot this part though, :cool:.
  5. thanks! Now i know why my eyes get red, but why would my eyes get more red then everyone i smoke with when we smoke the same amount? even if im not as high, me eyes are still more red. know why?
  6. oh and im not really new to the city, ive spent loads of time on this site before, just never got around to regerstering. but thanks!
  7. It's called genetics. Some people get really red eyes, some don't. My eyes never get red, but my buddy's get redder than the devil's dick!
  8. Everyone is different. You're body might respond to it more, or your eyes could already have a lower pressure then them causing them to be redder. And welcome to the city:D
  9. [​IMG]

    tried to put a picture of rhotos eye drops, but you get the point. rhoto
  10. Hey, when i smoke in my house right chill with noone to bother me. Just being alone in fun chill enviiroments. When im outside doing shit i dont wanna do with friends that i dont wanna be with my eyes get dead bloodshot. I find people just bother me high. But when i toke on my own in my own house i feel great and i can go anywheere and do anything because my eyes dont get as bloodshot. Its weird. Im really stoned right now. Going to visit an aunts house soon. Il be posting up there lol.

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