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Blood test for THC?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by PulseShock, Aug 25, 2016.

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  1. I have a drug/alcohol screening for a hospital job, I just found out today it's a blood AND urine test. I have the synthetic urine but only until sept. 2nd to clear my blood of thc. I've read conflicting reports but most sites say it depends on detection methods.. does anyone have experience with this? I have no money for expensive detox. What do most blood tests use as the cutoff for ng/ml of thc? I'm freaking so any help would be awesome.. thanks.
  2. Your fucked.
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  3. Care to elaborate? Lol.
  4. I'll elaborate

    Blood test, you're fucked
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  5. The only hope you have of passing is if someone misreads your results. Blood tests can detect trace amounts for very long periods of time.
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  6. Same with hair tests. Knew a lady that didnt smoke for 3 months they tested her hair and found that she had thc in her system.

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  7. What about sites like NORML and Wikipedia that say blood testing only shows positive results for 2-7 days? Also, doesn't it depend on what kind of blood test they administer?
  8. Believe what you want... Best of luck to you. :smoking-banana:

  9. I'm not trying to convince myself of anything. I'm just ad skeptical of you saying I'm screwed as I am of them saying I would pass in a few days. I'm just wondering how you know I'm fucked. Anecdotal evidence? Actual sources? I'm just wondering why your came to that conclusion.
  10. Anyone that I have ever known to take a blood test hs failed. A friend of mine was clean 5 months and still failed a blood test. Typically anyone paying for a blood test is going to do a very thorough analysis of the sample and detect even trace amounts of thc.
  11. Did this person have a blood AND ueine test though? This is for a medical profession, and they may want to know what in blood for insurance reasons also. Im just wondering if it's possible they would use a blood test for only recent activity, and the urine for the longterm. The HR lady said to make sure I gave any medications I've taken in the past 30 days, so if the results went back longer than 30 days, you'd think she would mention that right?
  12. A handicapped friend of mine was in a bad accident in which he was drunk at the time. He was able to drive with hand levers and such. Due to his condition blood was drawn as he had MS and had a difficult time doing a breathalyzer. He was over the alcohol limit but clean for anything else. After settled in court he was put on probation he was ordered to take drug and alcohol tests. Instead of doing blood for traces of alcohol and a separate urine test for drugs. They just did random blood draws for everything as agreed upon in court to avoid a jail sentence. Jail isn't often a place for the handicapped. He wasn't an avid smoker and when he did it wasnt much. Share a joint at a party or something. However at some point he did partake. A week and a half or more later he was pulled up for a test and tried all the bs crap designed for urine tests. Of course that didn't work since he was dealing with blood. He hardly ever smoked. I assumed he was safe just because his smoking habits were so light and some of the bad info out there. Maybe like 1x a month or less is all he smoked. Anyways he didn't avoid his jail term due to the blood test we were sure he would pass. Being a small County, at the time our solitary confinement also doubled as handicapped cells. It now has proper handi capped cells. Being in solitary just because your handicapped is bs. Fortunetly He was able to overlap his stay with another friend of ours stay and have help and friendly assistance against assholes he might meet in population w/o being in solitary confinement. .
  13. So what your saying kill is that he didn't pass. Correct
  14. Wow
    Wow that's a shitty story. FeEl bad for the dude. As you said, they were going to require urine and blood sample but instead just opted for blood only, right? Well since this is a premeployment test don't you think they would test my urine for drugs and my blood for active levels of drugs and alcohol? Maybe even nicotine? Is it possible they are only testing the blood for alcohol, since it's a blood and urine test? That's vert disconcering, I don't understand why so many credible sites lie about detection times. Also doesn't it vary depending on the type of blood test?
  15. Bro we were drunken dumb fks don't feel sorry. No they were not just testing for alcohol. Where we live drug tests are mandatory for alcohol related offences. I highly doubt a hospital is going to skip the drug test for new hires either. Might make you feel better to think so but come on in this day and age. The hospitals insurance probably demands it. They're probably just covering their ass with the double test. Urine tests won't take as long for the results

    There isn't different blood tests bro. They draw blood and see what's in it. If anything tests have improved since he took his. I know your looking for someone to say it will be fine so you feel better. I know that knot of worry you have in your stomach, been there done that. The honest truth is nobody can really say if your going to pass or not . Giving you false hope isnt what you need. You can't flush your blood so all you can do is wait and see. Hopefully you pass, maybe you wont. Only time will tell.
  16. You can flush your blood, just go get a quick transfusion
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  17. Yeah I totally get what you're saying. As much as it seems like it, I'm not looking for positive reinforcement. I want to be as realistic as possible with this. If it were JUST a blood test I wouldn't have any hope, but the fact a urine test is involved also makes me think the blood test may only test for active levels or for simply alcohol. I've never heard of a alcohol screening that tested urine..
  18. Lol if only. I've thought about giving blood a couple days before my test not sure if that'd help at all lol. I've also heard using blooD thinner's or coagulate's that can mask it. I've also seen some blood cleanses but I figured it was glorified snake oil or something lol.
  19. Bottom line is you can sit here and speculate all day long on what they might test for or if you might pass. As killset said no one can tell you and no one knows. If I were you I would wait and not continue the hiring process. No reason to mess up your chances of working in the medical field due to lack of foresight.
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