I'm looking around for a good first bong, within the range of $0-$80. I was just looking around on grasscity and I found this bong. Does anyone know anything about this bong or have a short review they can give me? Is it worth it? http://www.grasscity.com/img/products/dragon_bong_t.jpg
Black leaf make some nice stuff you should look in to the flaming skull by Black leaf cheaper, bigger,pec, ash catcher,defused downstem,and ice catcher for $65 on grasscity
black leaf is an economy brand. And they price there pieces very well, so its worth getting if your on a budget.
I love my black leaf inline. Great bong. Thick and solid, My friend has the black leaf Elite. Also Very good.
i had an 18 inch black leaf dome perc tube that was soooooo nice, theyre good bongs and theyre cheap, id recommend em
Ok this sounds like it's a good choice, and I've looked into bongs with percolators and I like the idea but that means extensive cleaning and I'm a bum, so percs are a no go.