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Bike Riding

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by SUPREME23, Jun 15, 2011.

  1. Me and my friend like to get really ripped and just ride bikes all day, anyone else do this?

    Attached Files:

  2. No, were not 14 years old.
  3. Yea dude i got a speed bike. fun as shit, with the wind blowing in your face and it feels like your just goin 60mph.
  4. Yeah I remember when I used to do that I was also retarded at the time
  5. cycling isn't retarded -_-
  6. getting baked and doing some technical downhill is so much fun
  7. Yes, its pretty much my favorite thing to do. I get pretty blazed and do 30 mile group rides.

    My bike:

    I also have a mountain bike that I will ride around for short trips around town while high.
  8. My bike thread got killed also

    damn Debbie downers
  9. Apparently you guys are like little kids because you ride bicycles. :confused: Bike riding is sooo chill to me. I gotta smoke and ride though like you mentioned. Why do people flame on bicycling? It is fun for a lot of peeps
  10. it's a great exercise and it feels awesome, in high school i probably would have turned bike riding down but in college it just feels like a routine
  11. I used to ride my bike to school everyday... until a pickup truck took me the fuck out hahaha. Not that im too scared to ride again... in fact i wish i could. My mom was so rattled, that after i refused to wear a helmet she took my bike away hahah such a buzzkill, now i walk like an hour a day minimum. (<- also im too cheap to buy a buss pass haha)

  12. So just wear a fucking helmet, especially after you have already been hit.
  13. Hahah i was riding high today. But try riding dirt bikes high its crazy.
  14. I did this alot until my bike was stolen. Can't afford another one atm.
  15. easily my favorite thing to do stoned. My brother and I smoke all the time in the summer and ride our bikes around the neighborhood around sunset. It's really cool and peaceful with the sun setting on you and the wind hitting you as you are just completely baked.
  16. ya some people like to actually get out and enjoy there life,faded having fun on a bike.preety fucking amazing IMO.

  17. You have NO IDEA what you're missing out on! High biking is one of my favorite things to do. You can go longer and faster and with some music, you don't want to stop. I'm really excited to buy my new bike and get off my t-break so I can have some fun! It also wont hurt to get some exercise lol.

  18. Duude I did this so much last year and the year I started smoking, shit I had such a low tolerance me and my step brother smoked some bowls and rode through the park on the cross country skiing trails and I was so fuckin baked listening to like run DMC or some shit and I remember staring off into the leaves that were infront of me and tripping out a little seeing pictures and shit it was insane. Riding downhill is awesome too cause you get going so fast and you feel perfect and amazing and it's awesome. This year ive been riding my unicycle a ton, it's a lot more difficult and tiring since you can't just coast, but it's really fun and people talk to you and I can like carry it into the places I smoke so it's cool too. Maybe this summer I'll buy a new bike
  19. #19 nnunes, Jun 16, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Haha once before I went dirt biking I had a lil piece of a cookie edible but not thinking I would be high. As soon as we took off I started to feel it. Needless to say, it was a fun ride
  20. Used to "take a ride" in the woods with my friend and we'd toke and ride around my land good times

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