Biggest bullshit of my life

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by JustBlazeUp420, Aug 7, 2011.

  1. lol you should have made a citizens arrest on the cop

    no but really tho its frustrating that they can do nearly anything they like with full immunity
  2. #22 JustBlazeUp420, Aug 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Black actually, surprise surprise.

    I'm in the UK, but have a heavy black Brooklyn accent as I was raised there.
  3. #23 JustBlazeUp420, Aug 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Exactly! Just because they wear a uniform they can do what they want.
  4. #24 JustBlazeUp420, Aug 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Well said.
  5. #25 JustBlazeUp420, Aug 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I know, I've had little cop problems in this country before, besides arguing with police officers about being searched (got away with no search everytime, just throw the phrase 'common law assault' around a few times they'll back off)

    This was totally unbelievable, he must've been rookie or something.
  6. #26 JustBlazeUp420, Aug 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I sure did! So youre right, its all good when MJs there :hello:
  7. Are you from the ends mate?
  8. i thought that they could only arrest you if your threat seemed real, like if they actually thought you were dangerous and going to do something...i don't know you but i doubt you'd actually kill tim westwood haha
  9. #29 JustBlazeUp420, Aug 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Haha, yeah, I had no intention of killing westwood. I dress really urban and roll in Red&Black colors to rep a record label, so I guess he assumed I had gang affiliations? But my friends didn't wear these colors so that wouldn't have made sense. Guy musta thought he was showing off his authority.
  10. Why? To try and make him lose his job? To give him shit in return? How does that make you any better than him? No harm was done to you, he was just a douchebag and I'm sure he'll get his share of shit in return from his fellow cops. Don't stoop to his level; needless to say I hate when people sue for virtually nothing.
  11. #31 JustBlazeUp420, Aug 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I agree. Saying that is kinda like those things you say in anger that you really don't have any intention of acting on, but it make you feel better to have the thought.

  12. They do but public defenders are usually either poorly schooled in law, Drunks, or actually good lawyers but do not have nearly as many resources as state prosecutors and usually have a very large caseload so they can't devote much time to a single case.
  13. LOL

    that cop was a crackhead
  14. lol that happened to me once.. well kinda.

    i went inside a bestbuy and was standing by the area with the cameras. i was with my friend and we just finished playing baseball. i was really young, 16

    i saw some stupid shit a few feet away from me and i said to my friend "damn that guy needs an asswoopin son"

    out of nowhere a undercover officer grabbed my shoulders and was like "Come with me."
    asking me questions about random bullshit..
    only thing i really got from it was "Car outside blah blah"
    i said "YO MA MANS I JUST CAME FROM PLAYING BASEBALL, trying to shop."

    the cop realized he should of went after the guy doing the stupid shit but didnt.
    so he took my bat away. so i was upset and said "Here take this shit too then"
    gave him my gloves my shoes everything...

    Shopped freely and had that ***** wave apologetically after he held my items and carried them for me.

    me and my friend just got guitar hero the first one for ps2.

    lesson learned though. haha
  15. Ah... typically, yes. One might suppose, the idea being: the people using the courts bear the greatest weight of costs in maintaining the infrastructure.

    How does it work in country you live in?
  16. The costs of the trial are typically paid for by whoever lost the trial. So if you were to sue a cop or any other government employee, the government pays.
    If you're being sued and can't afford a lawyer, the government doesn't appoint you one but gives you money to choose one.
  17. #37 JustBlazeUp420, Aug 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Haha, good story! Some of these cops needa find a new job
  18. You have no fucking idea court costs and lawyers cost THOUSANDS!!

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