Best Way To Smoke

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by Fortify0330, Mar 12, 2014.

  1. #1 Fortify0330, Mar 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2014
    What in your opinion is the best way to smoke in general? Based on the high you get, most fun, or just how easy it is to smoke and prepare. Or whatever other criteria you want

  2. bongs are the best in terms of how high you get and how fun it is to pass around.

    vapes get you the highest but its not an intense stony high like a bong gives you and its not as fun to use as a bong
  3. Vaporbonging....
  4. When it comes to smoking, nothing does me better than a bong rip. I do enjoy vaporizing as well 
  6. GB. less than half a bowl pack of bud - throw a tiny nug in and get as much smoke as a bong rip. lovee
  7. Bongs for sure.
  8. Mine is just relaxing on my couch with a joint or my bong in my hand just chillin

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  9. Vaporizing 100%, smoked a .2 session last night n was just as ripped as my usual .6

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  10. a fat blade session usually does it for me.
  11. Bongs get me the highest and I love hitting my friends two foot beaker. Pipes are convenient for on the go and joints are chill when relaxing.
  12. bongs are best
    , did someone say they share bong hits?  dont do that
  13. A nice old blunt to yourself

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  14. #14 Pirateahoy, Mar 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2014
    In Order
    3.Gravity Bong
  15. If cautious:
    1. Apple
    2. Bowl
    All time
    1. Bong
    2. Blunt
    3. Joint
    Apples hide the smell, your fingers wont just dig your nails into the apple when done after you take a bite. Throw it away or eat it and you dont have to worry about a stinky piece.
  16. Vape,dabbing,glas pipe no Tobacco.and a good joint..tried greengo but ITS not so good..ok one is oki but not a hole Day:)
  17. I recently got my first bong and it's the bet way for me to get high yet. But it's not really portable.
  18. I recently got my first bong and it's the bet way for me to get high yet. But it's not really portable.
  19. That's when small bubblers come in handy :)

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