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Best way to smoke the last .4 bud I have

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Ddwkush, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. Any help guys wanna get my money's worth
  2. put it in your left nostril and use the other nostril as a carb
  3. Vape or bong. 
  4. a glass spoon Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  5. A big gravity bongSent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  6. As far as I'm concerned there are only two ways:
    1. Roll it up or pack that bowl with all of it.
    2. Use a gravity bong or a one hitter and be frugal ;) 
    Your call... 
  7. Id say depending on the bowl/slider you have make a g bong man, itll do the trick with a small amount. Just be careful of the harshness so as to not waste that precious bit left :smoking:
  8. [quote name="llllllllll" post="19147493" timestamp="1386831960"]put it in your left nostril and use the other nostril as a carb[/quote]Straight to the dome motherfucker

    Attached Files:

  9. did you just draw that lmao? thats awesome man
  10. on a real note though you should go with a one hitter or apple pipe when trying to conserve weed
  11. Spots spots spots spots spots spots spots spots
    Spots spots spots spots spots spots spots spots
  12. Gb gets you highest. Ghetto as fuck though
  13. Just roll it into a joint, don't over complicate it.  :smoke:
  14. Beast!
  15. Bong rip.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. For conservation a vape is usually the best, but gbs and knife hits seem to help me conserve as well
  17. roll a baby spliff haha

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