Best way to keep insects away??

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by TheMightyKush, Jul 16, 2012.

  1. Is there anyway to kill insects safely and naturally without worrying about chemicals in my bud? Im thinking about buying a lot of ladybugs to let go around them as they eat other insects but is there anything else and would this be a good idea? All help is appreciated blades! :wave:
  2. I am using Ortho Elementals Garden Insect Killer on my plants. Been a few days, and there is no harm done! All the bugs are gone too, it kills them instantly and the day after I sprayed them there were no bugs.

    Green Light Lawn and Garden Spray Spinosad is also suppos to work.

    With the Ortho I use the bottle says it does not persist in the environment and can be applied up to a day of harvest.
  3. Spinosad
    Diatomaceous Earth

    Read about each of them and their uses and you should do great.
  4. Rotenone/pyrethrins spray from Bonide. 100% effective on nearly all bugs with knock down power. Both chemicals are plant extracts and deteriorate very quickly when exposed to air and light. For 3-4 days, it kills all. 7 days after application, no trace of the chemicals can be detected with testing.

    Ive use it for 40 yrs on cannabis. Nothing as effective and safe on the market.

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