Best way to get into dabs?

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by Nightfall Shadow, Mar 24, 2023.

  1. I want to try dabs myself, but the first time I tried one someone just grabbed some kind of dab rig, filled it with warm bottled water I had sitting around, lit it until it was glowing hot and then made me take an unknown amount of whatever kind of dab they had. It burnt my lungs really bad and It took 5 minutes until I stopped coughing really hard and then 6 minutes later I passed out after trying very very hard to listen to what they were talking about before going inside and then going to bed. I would like to try them once more on my own but what is the best way to do that, also without burning myself? And the it needs to be cheap lol. I can't go spending like $400 on some puffco device or whatever.
  2. Can put small amounts on bong hits and get some of the dab experience, or add to joints.
    The whole torch thing gets weird for many folks, a little too Heisenberg. But in the end, its really a good way to go. Not too expensive, just takes a bit of effort.
  3. i got an electric nail. a lot easier.
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