best water bong, bubbler, zong site

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by acaciacomplex, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. I'm looking for a new water bong, bubbler or zong for myself for Christmas though I have a limited amount of money. Only around 30-70$. That's my price range. So I'm looking for a site where I could buy a nice bubbler, water bong or zong for cheap.
  2. Recommendations for certain products would be nice as well.
  3. Why not use the site your on. Or how about google?
  4. I already looked on here. Too pricey. And I have looked on google but I'm just asking for suggestions.
  5. Honestly with that price range your better of going to a LHS any site you use even if its in the states about $20 will be eaten up by shipping
  6. That's true, I didn't think about that. I was looking at a zong on bong outlet.

  7. you need to type more than 2 sentances when typing a response to a post. it gives the reader more information and then they can reply to you more accurately.

    but anyway....

    to get a decent piece shipping will push you over your limit. Go to a headshop, look around, ask to see the pieces, a few, and ship around. most lhs negotiate pieces similarly to cars. so go to a few. A place in boston I used to go to was notorious for ridiculously high sticker piece and the haggled way down. i.e my bubbler, about 8" tall that is handblown locally, sherlock style, was marked at 170 and after talking payed 40 bucks. Dont expect that all the time, but it happens once in a while. my 1ft bong I got at a shop in NH sticker was 60 and i got for 50 with some screens thrown in. My spoon I got in CT was stickered at 45 i think and i had it for 20(I also worked next door at the time and we had an additional discount. and it was a hookah lounge and a headshop right next to each other. we were friends to say the least.)

    point being, go to a shop, and shop around. great life long pieces can absolutely be had for under 70 bucks.
  8. I personally just purchased a bong on which has some terrific prices and a great selection. Given its all china glass, it's well made and the shipping is $10 flat anywhere in the us no matter the order. If you're looking for a zong they have a small 8inch one for $25. I just went with the 10inch perc bong for $45 and its going to be shipped soon. Plus they send a free gift with every order, like a glass spoon.
  9. The glass on that site sucks dude even the free bowl sucks my friend ordered off that bongoutlet site i think it was a dragon themed bong almost 1 1/2 feet tall and the perc and downstem broke just from it being knocked over on its side and the bowl broke from him poking a little metal thing in the hole and it straight cracked the whole thing

    Just my 2 cents though. Peace.
  10. "Bros with glass" has quality glass from the U.S. and kick ass service. But as its been said before, going to your LHS is probably the best option. :smoking:

  11. I love coming on grasscity for the comic relief.
  12. Probably could've said that better, it's decent for the price but not a lifelong piece of glass.
  13. So, you check out our headshop, decide it's too expensive, but instead of moving onto another online headshop to find a better deal, you join the forums of the expensive headshop, then ask us to point you to our competitors?

    See how silly this sounds?

    and it's against the rules to post links to competitor's shops anyways. So you won't be finding much luck here.

    Just check out google man or your LHS, don't use your laziness in this extremely silly way lol.

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