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Best To Blaze From?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Go-Get-Lifted, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. So I just want to hear some fresh new ideas on what to Blaze from. I've heard quite a few, such as pop cans, water bottles, and obviously all the store bought pipes and bongs.

    So any innovative new ideas would be wicked, or some cool ones that you know of.

    Also, which is the best homemade item to bake off of?:smoke:
  2. haha I love using a can.
    feel so ghetto. lol.

    lighter bowl! haha.
  3. Gravity bongs are always really cheap to make and get you really ripped off a small amount of bud.
  4. You can make an apple pipe. Thats what I usually resort to when theres nothing else because I don't like using aluminum. It cools the smoke like a bong and some people say it adds apple flavor.
  5. You could try a gas mask pipe.
  6. Smoking out of cans and straight crackhead.
  7. fixed.

    still fun tho. and no too shabby for getting high either :p
  8. Go to the store, and buy 2 of the 1.5 liter Lipton Green Tea with Citrus bottles. Drink one, and make a gravity bong out of it. 1.5 liters of smoke is a shit load. You'll get blazed off your ass, and then you have the second bottle of tea to kick the cottonmouth.

  9. good thinking on the TWO cheap huge drink for like $1.50?
  10. But 2 liters is more... which is why I use a 2L pepsi bottle :p

    We have 3 liters I could use, but I could never find a bucket to fit :(
  11. Damn, how has no one said this?


    Bottom line, it's bad :p
  12. Thats a myth... you can't get alzheimers from inhaling aluminum. As a matter of fact, a bic lighter doesnt get hot enough to burn aluminum.

    Aluminum burns at over 6920 F.

    Bic lighters flame only gets up to 1300 F.

    I think someone said it was a confusion back in the 70's, that alzheimers patients had increased "aluminum" levels, so a bunch of hippies concluded that smoking aluminum would give you alzheimers or something like that :rolleyes:

    But, smoking the "paint" that is on the side of a pop can IS bad for you... so scrape it off before smoking, and dont use the same can more than once
  13. well on my birthday me and my cousin only have a gram so we frank the beer, then put a hole in the side for the carb, and then a bunch of small slits in the other side of the beer can and it worked perfect!

    But I have a nice glass bong that I left at home, and joints are a waste...
  14. get a bottle of water, empty it, make a whole at the bottom of the bottle around the edge (i usually just melt a hole) put the end you drink out of up to the mouthpiece of the pipe and hit it out of the hole you made, chalk up the bottle, let go of the carb on the pipe and clear the bottle. enjoy. ur gonna get chopped
  15. STEEMER'S MESS YOU UP!!!! Take a open tube, and knife,cut,burn,drill do what to make a nice circular hole, and aluminum foil bowl, n SAY GOOD NITE!!!

    lol and it will be your harshest hit ever!! We made a 7' steemer last week cuz we saw the tube and just wanted to say we did it. Now that was a 1 hitter quitter!
  16. The first time I ever smoked, it was from a gatorade-bottle bong, lol. But yeah, I gotta say I like rolled weed and using a piece both as much in their own respects. Depends what I'm feeling. But if it's rolled, blunts are nice, unless I don't want to get totally fucked up, then I'll smoke a J.

    If it's gonna be from a piece, I love bongs so I prefer that but a bowl is more portable if need be. Plus I don't own a bong at the moment, it got ganked a while ago.
  17. Learn how to blunts (joints are a waste) using Dutchies or Games. Depending on how good the trees are a gram blunt can fuck up few people.
  18. who needs a bucket? i use a 2 or 3 liter bottle and just use my kitchen sink, which is pretty deep. I fill up the sink with water like 9/10 full and u know the rest...
    except one time i put on the faucet and went to take a shit and totally forgot the water was running. i quickly finished up and ran to the kitchen and there was water everywhere! big cleaup, but nice rewarding couple of gravity hits after.

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