Best times for barley/corn tea "SST"

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by Robslivingsoil, Nov 14, 2018.

  1. Looking for info on when to use barley tea or top dressing with barley also and using sprouted corn tea, thanks for the help, all kinds of knowledge on here!
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  2. I like to use a barley SST for the first few runs to get the soil cycling. After that I don't bother with it. Sprouted corn is higher in cytokinins and is used more during flower. When I apply a barley SST it gets used as a soil drench and the leftovers are topdressed in. Once a week or so. It's been a minute, but I believe I was using a cup or two per 55g drum.
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  3. I do barely top dress once every two weeks or so, I dont keep a tight schedule about it. Then once at the start of flower I do a corn SST.
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  4. Thanks for the replys , my first run with living soil just wanna make sure I'm doing it rite!lol
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