Best time of the day to water your plants

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by shagwells, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. Hey guys, is there a certain time of the day that is most beneficial for plants to get watered; assuming it's the right time to water? For example, I can't remember where I heard this, but I heard it's good to water right before the lights go off while in flowering? My plants are 3 weeks flowering atm btw.

    Do you guys water when the lights are on or right before lights go off?

    I prefer to water while the lights are on so that it starts the drying process right away, but now I'm thinking I'm wrong...
  2. Water in the morning.

    Considering I run hydro, I water all the time.
  3. I've tried watering right when the lights come on and right when they go off and I found results to be about the same. However, if RH (relative humidity) is an issue for you, then water right when the lights go on, as watering when they go off will leave a lot of moisture in the air.


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