Best thing to make from household items?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by Tucks, Dec 19, 2010.

  1. I know there is lots of threads about homemade bongs, pipes, etc..

    But im tired of doing buckets and milkers, and was wondering what the best thing to make is..

    I just tried an apple pipe last night.. it didnt work too well...
    Is anything easy to make that is just as effective as a bucket or a bong hit?:smoke:

    thanks guys ;)
  2. Ive made just about everything so what i try to do it smoke a bowl if i have glass ( i change glass alot!) then think without internet and come up with my own way of making stuff with what i have access to. soooo my point is i came up with this.


    Metal bowl( salt shaker top)
    small Gatorade bottle 12oz i think, any would work really

    Cut hole in cap to fit salt shaker snug so you dont need glue but gluing it works.
    About half way down take a marker thats been hollowed and cut a hole in the bottle and use the tip side because itll fit better.
    make carb on top left for thumb

    there ya go, it works real well.
  3. Im trying to stay away from plastic.. is there anything elsew to use? :O

    thanks though ! :)
  4. none of the plastic is being heated at all though, idk what other household pipes you could make without plastic, you can go to a hardware store and spend a few bucks on metal pieces and construct something
  5. hmm alright.. just trying to make something not look so sketchy :p
  6. An apple pipe thats made correctly will work nicely. Its all about how well you make it.
  7. well i mean it was really dark and i wasted alot of weed..
  8. Gravity bong? 2 liter, sink/pitcher of water, socket. That's all you need to rip weed :D.
  9. Grab a 3 liter, a socket and some danks.

  10. PVC pipe works. I know it's still "plastic," but it might be a bit better. Just get a pipe cap for one end, and drill a hole for a slider about 2 1/2 or 3" above the cap. You could use a lot of things to make a slider, so be creative. I usually tape 3 wrench sockets together, so that one end is a bowl and one end fits with the plastic slider tube. This doesn't let any of the plastic get touched by heat, and collects a hell of a lot of resin. Good Luck! :smoke:
  11. thanks guys :)
    what about a pill bottle pipe?

    stick a pen tube in the bottom, with a bowl ontop of the pen tube then another pen tube on the side..

    then iff possible i could put water in the bottom and create a mini bubbler?

    would that work?

    and what is the point of a bubbler? i heard something about it filtering something..

    i hear bad things about plastic.. why is this?
  12. if you dont wanna use plastic the only thing else i can think of is either get tin foil and make a bowl, or smoke out of a can. i dont really reccommend either unless you have no other options.
  13. hmm i dont know.. :p

  14. You hear bad things about plastic because if it melts and is inhaled, it will cause brain damage and possibly death. Just try and keep heat away from plastic, on anything you make. If a little bit is inhaled on accident, you should be fine though. Maybe a little sick to your stomache, but thats it.
  15. so something like a pill bottle or water bottle is fine?
  16. Yeah, as long as there isn't enough heat touching it to create fumes or melt it.

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