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Best strains for migranes.

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by KyungYi, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. Hey GC,
    Wondering what the beat medicinal strains are for migranes and nausea. need some advice.

    Thanks GC!

    -Kyung Yi
  2. Best I mean not beat.
  3. Bump.

    I'd like to know too :hello:
  4. if its a migrane your only option is sleep my friend.

    i suffer from CONSTANT migraines.

    you need darkness and NO SOUND.

    take an hour or two nap and i always feel better.

    But the one thing that does help them is a nice bowl of hash to make my eyes super heavy and aid in the sleep process.

    there is no strain out there that will make it feel better from what ive found.

    the best pain relieving strain ive ever had was either DD or Ny diesel.

    both of those put me in a stuper for a few hours and i always fall asleep.

    hope this helps.
  5. My migraines may not be typical since they are due to a childhood head trauma. (Another kid tried to murder me with a hammer :eek: Hey- it's ancient history- 60 years ago!) For me, a daily dose of indica keeps the migraines away! Sativas just don't always work as well.

    You might want to click the first link in my sig and read Dr. Russo's "Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency" - it explains a lot! There's also a whole section on just migraines and headaches and how cannabis treats them!

    Granny :wave:
  6. The best for you would be any Indica-dominant erb out there, I suggest New York Sour Diesel. :smoke:
  7. A nice heavy indica as mentioned above! Sativa is more cerebral without the heavy body stone. Hope that helps :smoke:
  8. I've had luck with indica dominant strains. Mainly legends ultimate indiaca, purpleAK47, mr. Nice (also a anti nausea/emetic), and lately I've had luck with my first hybrid/sativa dominant - super silver haze, which is also an antiemetic.

  9. This.

    There is little you can do to stop a migraine in its tracks.

    The migraine patients i've talked to find the most useful technique to be taking very small edible doses daily, not in order to relieve, but to prevent the migraines from starting up in the first place.
  10. What kind of edibles are they taking? Are they indica dominant?
  11. #11 Visine!, Feb 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2011
    Ak47 works best for me, but generally indicas work well like others said. Ive actually found some sativa strains can make the nausea worse. Also edibles dont really seem to help my migraines. Sometimes weed can help as a preventative but I highly suggest you read this article about migraine tirggers, helped me out TONS. The food list on the second page is the most helpful. I used to get terrible migraines weekly then i changed my diet and havent had one in over a month (only been on the diet that long).

    Oh and you should check out my post about how not to get migraines by avoiding food triggers,

  12. You should know there is no difference between a sativa edible and an indica edible.

    Your liver is going to convert any THC you absorb to delta-11-hydroxy-THC, which is heavy and sedative.
    For all intents and purposes, edibles are considered to have an effect akin to strong indicas.

    Dispensaries have been making low dose edible and calling them sativa edibles because they have a lighter, clearer effect, but its really just a reduced dosage.
  13. My girlfriend has suffered for migraines since she was in high school. A strong indica usually does the trick, Purple Kush, Bubba Kush, Master Kush, Hashplant, etc. A couple of tokes, an advil, and a nap usually gets her right.

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