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Best seeds for beginners

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Jgill211, Apr 1, 2016.


Is the Big Bud strain the best strain for first time indoor hydro growers?

  1. Yes

    1 vote(s)
  2. No

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  1. So I've been shopping around for the best seeds for the first time grow. I've almost settled on the Big Bud indica strain. However, I feel as though I'm making this decision based off of a lack of knowledge about other strains rather than my extensive look into the benefits of growing this strain. For anyone who may not know Big Bud is a highly recommended strain for first-time indoor Growers due to its natural resistance to most plant ailments, high yeilds, potency and it's easy upkeep. Contrary to seeing all the benefits I am still a complete novice when it comes to indoor marijuana growing, so I am curious if I'm rushing to choose this product because of my ignorance on the entire subject and (to be quite honest) my fear that I'll do something that will make all my efforts obsolete in the end. Or is this really the absolute best product for novice indoor growers who really have no preference of what strain of marijuana they grow and they're only interest is something that will grow fast, with little risk, that is potent and yeilds a decent harvest?
  2. I would put Northern Lights at the top of that list. High yield. Forgiving. Easy grow.
    I'm starting my first BB grow in a few weeks, but my 1st NL is being harvested in 18 days. The NL is 1.5x the size of my blueberry and white widows.

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  3. Look at some seed banks. Often they'll allow you to search by yield and grower skill.

    Be kind. Perfect your craft. Give more than you take. We are family.
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  4. I would go with what ever Mook says! But that's the strain I'm growing, it's an auto and it's going on it 8th week! Plus I have over a month before harvest.

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  5. Go with autos

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  6. Northern Lights has Femmed seeds or Autos! Autos you don't have to do anything to! from seedling to harvest is usually 7 to 10 weeks! If it's your first grow I would go with autoflowers! Then your second grow maybe you could try a different strain or you could just get regular northern lights femmed seeds! With femmed seeds you could LST your plant, clone it, Fim and top your plant. Which you cannot do with an autoflower some people do LST them. Here's a picture of an autoflower northern lights.[​IMG]

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  7. I'm a beginner as well I'm growing auto GDP seeds. It's supposed to be fairly easy for beginners
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  8. You can google what strains are the easiest for beginners and have the best yields. You can go on and they'll have plenty of seeds to choose from. They tell you the yield and how easy it is to grow

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  9. I'm finding the atomic and the THC bomb seeds from bomb seeds are very easy to grow and extremely robust. My northern lights on my first run did really well too, had one that tasted like welch's grape juice.
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  10. Is strain even that big of factor? I just walked into the dispensary and picked the name that sounded the best to me lol

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  11. Yes, can't you tell slightly different effect with different smoke? And growing different strains is extremely different with some liking stronger nutes, lights, soil, temps. Diff size, yield, smell, grow time I could go on

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  12. For beginners go for the random Bucket O Seeds .. Highest count for the lest money.. Their just isn't any reason to pay the stupid prices for them.. I've let all my designer clone strains go this run and fired off about 50 bag seeds from the dozen or so people who've given me seeds over the past few years..
    My own signature strain Red Headed Step Sister is nothing more then an interesting bag seed as are 99% of what being marketed..
    Like the 50 bucks I dropped on 6 seeds at the canna cup last month.. None popped.. What a deal that was..
    I've run well over 200 strains in the past 5 years and while all are unique none are that bloody damn special..
    I'm about done looking through the morass of indica blended hybrids and I'm on the quest for as near an old school Mexican sativa as I can find.. I flower outside so size isn't an issue.. It's So Cal so I can flower clear till Christmas if needed..
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  13. I'm using an old school MexiSav for my outdoor. It's what I started with a year ago. I'll have some bag GSCookies to go with it this year, but the Mexican turns out great when babied and given tlc. A wonderful medical strain and perfect for older folks coming off a 20-30 year break. They don't care what's been winning cannabis cups since the 70s. They just want an old-school buzz that won't make them anxious.

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  14. Yes. Some are sensitive to things.

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  15. get some hso master kush or blue dream
  16. Purple narc cash crop and coffee Ryder

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  17. I agree with Mook. Northern Lights is the first strain that comes to mind when you think beginner strain. I've never grown Big Bud, but if you have a proper environment and a good general understanding and knowledge of what a basic grow entails, you should have no problems growing BB and 75% of any other strain(s) that catches your eye.
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  18. The Vault

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  19. Gorilla seed bank. I like U.S seed banks!

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  20. Get a quality strain, read up on that specific strain (there is no universal guide...) don't waste your time with anything that will lower the quality, don't ever over do anything, (after all... It is a weed) as long as u have quality to begin with, if your honestly passionate about it, it will work for you. Learn from real experience. U want to grow your own plants and. Have a real understanding of what's happening, don't let someone else grow your plants for u lol, get atleast 1 auto, and 1 fem reg, learn from your auto, and start cloning from the other, do u want to be on these forums forever asking ppl wats wrong with your plant, or do u wana be able to diagnose them yourself and smash any problems that come your way in the face :)
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