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Best rolling paper?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by popsaregood230, Apr 26, 2009.

  1. [​IMG]

    raw papers. organic and unbleached
  2. #62 Zenzy, Dec 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 25, 2010
    JOB definitely burn pretty slow i usually use joints for me only but i smoked out two other dudes with just barely a nickelbag full rolled and it still lasted a while.:smoke:
  3. I personally find zig zags to be the best.
  4. For me if someone said grab your 3 favorite papers in order i would grab JOB then Bambu then a pack of Zig Zag and steal a pack of RAW lol

  5. I have some jokers and they are absolutely awful, extremely weak paper and the gum is so weak it might be better if it wasnt there at all. personally i would not recommend jokers to anyone.

    I have used those see-through papers, i think the brand is Klear. They were super easy to roll with, and burned really slow. One thing though, theyre kinda thick compared to regular papers, so aside from being really sturdy, i felt like i was probably also inhaling more of this smoke than usual. What was weird is that they didnt have any real gum strip on it, you could just lick it anywhere and it would stick, and it would stay together really well.

    I currently have blueberry juicy jays and have used several other flavors (peaches and cream, watermelon, and strawberry); They roll pretty nicely, burn pretty nicely, and taste amazing. My only complaint is that they usually have a harsh feel on the back of my throat, my guess is that its from the flavoring.

    The kind I use most commonly are plain zig zags (white pack). Theyre really easy to roll with for the most part; took me a couple tries to get it right, but they're great once you get used to em. Theyre really thin, which is good when youre smoking cause you only actually taste the bud... but not too thin in a sense that theyre really resistant to ripping (aside from little stems poking through :mad: ). The gum strip on them is the perfect strength.

    I plan on buying some bob marleys, ez widers, and maybe some raws so i can form an opinion on all them too.

    Overall, the zig zags are my favorite.
  6. Raws are great, seriously pure as its unbleached and all that good stuff...mmm herb, EZ Widers are probably the easiest papers to roll, Juicy Js are the best flavored papers in my opinion, JOBs are great 1.5 papers, and ZigZags are great daily papers as they are solid, burn well and can be found just about anywhere. But if you ever get your hands on some Wiz Khalifa brand papers...woooooooow. My friend bought a pack at a wiz concert and they are probably the greatest papers I've ever rolled with. They are king size, sturdy, relatively thin, burn evenly, burn super slow, and they stick great. 5 bucks for 33 papers is a bit much, but well worth it.
  7. I'm using the green rizla king size at the moment, pretty good.
  8. zigzag orange
  9. This thread influenced me to show off the bullshit kind of papers I bought the other day.


    Like what the fuck.. the gum on the side? The crease is still down the middle, but the gum is on the side and not at the top so you need to fold it over to even try to roll. WHAT THE FUCK MAN?
  10. Smoking papers are awesome. I personally just buy the rolls. Cause i like to be able to make any size spliff. My friemd rolled a foot long spliff with them. There was about 2 grams in it mixed with some tobacco. It was awesome we had about 5 heads on it and we all got pretty you know what.
  11. zig zags are the scriptos of rolling papers. They get the job done but anything else will work a lot better. Get some rice/hemp/cellulose papers. You will notice the pure bud and barely any paper taste and never want to touch those bleachy zags again.
  12. Just bought 3 packs of RooR XL papers for my brother's first time smokin on his birthday:smoking: I've never rolled before, but I guess if I suck at it, I'll just use my pipe (I smoke tobacco) and clean it out

    I bought 3 packs just because it was as close as I could get to 100 papers and they didn't cost enough to matter if they suck. I don't expect to use anything close to that many, I just figure if I buy a lot now, I won't have to buy em again for a while

    Either way, it'll be my first time smoking too, so I guess I'll make a thread in this area like I've seen some people do. At least we won't get ripped off thanks to the noob guides here, I'll try to roll a decent cone for you guys:cool:
  13. raw
    Ez wider 1/4
    zig zag 1/4
  14. [​IMG]

    Already been posted probably, but these are the best papers ever.

  15. Fixed- 1/4- 1/2. dont get double wide unless you can't roll really well or your using A LOT of weed
  16. Aleda transparent papers burn super slow!

  17. heheh :smoke:
  18. I love juicy jays once in awhile but i just like the way RAW hemp papers smoke..:smoke:

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