Best Outdoor strain for India - super hot climate ????

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by sadhu-sita-raam, May 31, 2006.

  1. I have been trying to research and figure out what strain would be ideal to grow outdoors in India. The weather around where I live (south India) - is really really hot. Of course, I would be sowing and harvesting at the right times - however I am looking for strain that is really strong (can compete with hash) and is easy to grow outdoors. I would appreciate a reccomendation?

    Also, if someone can reccomend a strain that is easy to grow outdoors in a mountainous area - where tea grows easily - my summer home is in the Nilgiri mountains in India - it gets cool in the evenings - and often has heavy rains.

  2. any afgani is good for heat and hash making
  3. I have heard of a strain called Hashberry, which sounds perfectly suited to your wants. Hashberry is a very vigorous plant and it is also very heat resistant and easy to grow. If you do decide to grow this strain, it is recommended that humidity and watering levels should be lowered during the last two weeks of flowering in order to keep away mold from the bud of your plant. Hope this helps
  4. yes, like the jkatz said, pretty much any strain from mandala seeds would be perfect, because most of them are actually landrace strains origianlly from parts of india. here check it out.


    <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=715 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top width=185 height=21>


    </TD><TD width=526 height=21>
    <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="98%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width="100%">Mandala Seeds presents:
    • - an excellent price-quality ratio
    • - heat resistant strains
    • - landrace genetics
    • - hybrid vigor
    • - easy to grow varieties
    • - cannabis with medicinal potential
    • - the best of cerebral and euphoric sativas

    </TD></TR><TR><TD width=713 colSpan=2 height=21><HR class=prodseperator align=center width="100%" color=#ffffff SIZE=1>

    </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=185 height=21>
    10 Deluxe seeds

    </TD><TD vAlign=top width=526 height=21><ADDRESS>Type: mostly indica </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Contains land race genetics from: North India (Kashmir) </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Cultivation: indoor/outdoor (up to 45 latitude, balcony, greenhouse) </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Light: 400 W/m2 </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Flowering time: 60-65 days/September - 1. week October </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Yield: 400-450 gr/m2 (dry weight) </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>High: the classic chill-out weed, an expansive indica stone with a powerful high that sets in with the first lungfull of smoke, the buzz is first light-headed and very balanced before switching to a stronger narcotic phase towards the end of your flight. </ADDRESS>HASHBERRY
    With this exceptional new strain we are building upon our successful breeding lines to offer growers an indica that combines the best of many traits. Hashberry is the unique result from a rigorous selection of desirable parents, with special attention paid to preserve the hybrid vigor our strains are so valued for. This indica will grow to a medium height and is a good choice where space matters and excellent for SOG. Hashberry develops a tight and heavy head bud with dense buds located on her firm side shoots. You will notice that many plants cover the bud leaves with a coat of THC glands and these will fill your pollinator/bubble bags generously. This strain still remains easy to manicure, and the dried buds have great “bag appeal”. The buds reveal a refreshing fruity-floral scent during the flowering period. After proper drying and maturation their fragrance transforms into a delicious hashy-berry like aroma. Hashberry not only has hybrid vigor, but is also very heat resistant and easy to grow. We recommend keeping humidity levels and watering low during the last 2 weeks of flowering to prevent any mold in the compact top buds.
    </TD></TR><TR><TD width=713 colSpan=2 height=21><HR class=prodseperator align=center width="100%" color=#ffffff SIZE=1></TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=185 height=21>
    10 Deluxe seeds

    </TD><TD vAlign=top width=526 height=21><ADDRESS>Type: indica-sativa </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Contains land race genetics from: North India (Kashmir) </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Cultivation: indoor/outdoor </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Light: 400 W/m2 </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Flowering time: 60-65 days/September - 1. week October </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Yield: 400-450 gr/m2 (dry weight) </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>High: relax and unwind with a strong psychoactive high that makes your mind fly while your body remains in a state of relaxation; this indica is seldom narcotic if harvested within 8 1/2 weeks. </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Medical Use: Sadhu assists against stress and nervousness. </ADDRESS>SADHU
    Sadhu is a combination of a specially adapted landrace male from the Himalayan heights and one of our short flowering indica-sativa hybrids. This variety is a hommage to the legendary ganja from the Indian high altitude valleys, and to the wandering ascetics or sadhus, who keep the tradition of cannabis cultivation and ganja alive. The robust and compact Sadhu is especially suited for indoor gardens where her medium height and shorter flowering period are an important asset. Incognito outdoor cultivation sites benefit from her shorter stature of about 1.6 meters . An area with low humidity levels during the last two weeks of flowering enables highest yields. Some plants are more leafy and, therefore, a bonus for hash enthusiasts. Her aromatic properties lend to a tasty yet mild smoke and the high is exceptionally pleasant.
    </TD></TR><TR><TD width=713 colSpan=2 height=21><HR class=prodseperator align=center width="100%" color=#ffffff SIZE=1></TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=185 height=21>
    10 Deluxe seeds

    </TD><TD vAlign=top width=526 height=21><ADDRESS>Type: sativa-indica </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Contains land race genetics from: South India / S.E.Asia </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Cultivation: indoor/outdoor </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Light: 400 W/m2 </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Flowering time: 70-75 days/October </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Yield: 500-550 gr/m2 (dry weight) </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>High: a potent, sativa high with an energizing body effect; THC-tolerance only builds up slowly, therefore the best choice for medical or regular users. </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Medical Use: Kalichakra shows her therapeutic potential in pain relief and helping against depression. </ADDRESS>KALICHAKRA
    This variety carries the name of the Hindu Godess Kali, a tantric partner of the ganja smoking God Shiva. With Kalichakra we offer a hardy, potent sativa hybrid with a good yield. This sativa remains easy to control in height - indoor you can expect her to increase two to three times in height in the flowering period. Outdoors she will reach a height of 1,6 - 2,0 meters in temperate climates. Due to the high calyx-leaf ratio the quality of the flowers is above average and she is easy to manicure. She grows in two distinct phenotypes: some plants develop their resinous flowers in an airy pattern, others grow compact quality buds. Kalichakra provides clones easily and in Hydroponics rapid growth can be expected - thereby shortening the flowering time
    </TD></TR><TR><TD width=713 colSpan=2 height=21><HR class=prodseperator align=center width="100%" color=#ffffff SIZE=1></TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=185 height=21>
    10 Deluxe seeds

    </TD><TD vAlign=top width=526 height=21><ADDRESS>Type: sativa-indica </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Contains land race genetics from: Nepal </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Cultivation: indoor/outdoor </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Flowering time: 65-72 days/October </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Yield: 550-600 gr/m2 (dry weight) </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>High: a clear, cerebral high and strong potency supports your mental concentration and creativity if required; expansive feeling at sides of the head; inspiring; stimulating. </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Medical Use: Satori shows her therapeutic potential in relieving depression and anxiety. </ADDRESS><ADDRESS> </ADDRESS>SATORI
    Inspiration and moments of enlightenment flash up in this mind-expanding marijuana variety. Satori is not difficult to grow and she has shown impressive hardiness against spider mites and posesses a good measure of mold resistance. Her mostly slim appearance make it possible to plant in narrow rows to maximize yield and the firm sideshoots provide strong cuttings. Like all our varieties she is also quite resilient against heat - an added bonus for small indoor environments. With sufficient light and warmth in a greenhouse or in hydroponics, record yields of up to 600gr/m2 can be achieved. Her mainly sweet and spicy aroma is a special treat for the senses. This variety is a favourite of our breeders - and they must really know what counts!
    NEW: now with a shorter flowering time.

    </TD></TR><TR><TD width=713 colSpan=2 height=21><HR class=prodseperator align=center width="100%" color=#ffffff SIZE=1></TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=185 height=21>
    10 Deluxe seeds

    </TD><TD vAlign=top width=526 height=21><ADDRESS>Type: indica-sativa </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Contains land race genetics from: North India (Punjab) </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Cultivation: indoor/outdoor </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Flowering time: 65 days/September-October </ADDRESS><ADDRESS style="BORDER-TOP-STYLE: none; BORDER-RIGHT-STYLE: none; BORDER-LEFT-STYLE: none; BORDER-BOTTOM-STYLE: none">Recommended Light: 250-400W/m2 </ADDRESS><ADDRESS style="BORDER-TOP-STYLE: none; BORDER-RIGHT-STYLE: none; BORDER-LEFT-STYLE: none; BORDER-BOTTOM-STYLE: none">Yield: 400-500 gr/m2 (dry weight) </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>High: a potent, “up” high that leaves you clear-headed yet wonderfully stoned; recommended as “leasure and pleasure” cannabis; physically stimulating. </ADDRESS><ADDRESS> </ADDRESS>WHITE SATIN
    This robust variety is a good choice for the novice gardener and experienced grower alike. The main flowering power is located on the central stem but also the side shoots deliver quality ”nuggets”. White Satin has proven to be very versatile for Sea of Green or SCROG (Screen of Green) methods. Even under low light conditions her performance is satisfying (although for optimal results we do recommend 400W/m2). She combines power and quality with a relatively short flowering time and has an average mold resistance. Outdoor most plants will finish end of September in southern latitudes. In extreme northern climates expect to wait 1-2 weeks longer. If high levels of humidity persist during the main flowering period it is advised to check for mold as a precaution. Her medium height, concentrated flowering, and well balanced, intensive high also make her an ideal indoor variety. The plants with the highest resin output will cover many leaves with trichomes and provide an extra treat for hash enthusiasts.
    </TD></TR><TR><TD width=639 colSpan=2 height=21><HR class=prodseperator align=center width="100%" color=#ffffff SIZE=1></TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top width=207 height=21>
    10 Deluxe seeds

    </TD><TD vAlign=top width=426 height=21><ADDRESS>Type: mostly indica </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Contains land race genetics from: Himachal Pradesh, North India </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Cultivation: indoor/outdoor (up to 45 latitude, balcony, greenhouse) </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Light: 400 W/m2 </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Flowering time: 55 days/September </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>Yield: 400-450 gr/m2 (dry weight) </ADDRESS><ADDRESS>High: the “surfers” choice - a stimulating, and balanced indica buzz that does not put you to sleep. Pleasantly relaxing yet leaves plenty of energy for social activities and is a great daytime grass. </ADDRESS>SPEED QUEEN
    The latest addition to our seed catalog is at the same time our fastest flowering strain. Speed Queen is a stocky and tough indica with a thick main stem (green or with distinct scarlet coloring) and fleshy leaves. She carries compact and resiny buds that have great “bag appeal” after drying. One pheno has the delicious aroma of orange and citrus. The other mixes this freshness with a more pungent/skunky note. This indica will fit well into grow spaces where shorter plants are required. Outdoor cultivation is possible up to the 45 latitude or in a greenhouse. To a large extent the bud leaves are covered in THC glands, but harvesting is a quick operation since all buds remain nice and chunky. Speed Queen is not finicky or difficult to grow. For optimal growth (for all our strains) we recommend that you read our online article on how best to fertilize. Mandala strains utilize nutrients very efficiently and grow well with low levels of feeding on quality soil. Due to her vigor and quick flowering time this strain is perfect for novice gardeners and SOG cultivation that aims for max. number of crops per year.

    another strain that would be good is Cinderella 99 or any crosses using C99 by the breeder company Spice Brothers. it has nothign to do with india, but it's supposed to be a very stable, vigorous strain.
  5. yep, thats where i found it too
  6. has anyone tried growing any of these strains above - or even smoked them?

    which 2 of these strains should I try growing - reccomendations please??
  7. No idea for your climate. Good luck anyway.
  8. I would go for a landrace Sativa, from your exact region..

    Altitude, humidty and chill can seriously effect the plants growing up there. A modern hybrid even if it does contain landrace derived genetics (dont they all?) will not handle it at all.

    Chitral, Pink Kush, Tosh Nali etc...all suitable in pure, unadulterated form.

    Good luck!
  9. You would do best with a pure variety of local landrace type.

    A pure Sativa like Tosh Nali, Pink Kush, Parvati would do great where you are and deliver what your looking for. These all can withstand the humidity, cold nights, and with there more open bud clusters can with stand the rains. All are easy to grow outdoors and dont need heavy ferts. All these originate from wild strains from the regions that grow without any interferances from man.

    Altitude also plays a big part and the increased UV will bring out the best in any pure Sativa, but i would go for one of the above, or something simialar.

    The modern hybrid doesnt stand much of a chance, and would proberly not be the best bet..even if it di contain landrace derived genetics! (dont they all?)

    Good luck!

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