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Best method of smoking for anxiety

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Dankitydoo, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. #1 Dankitydoo, Oct 17, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 17, 2015
    Yes, I'm one of THOSE people that gets panicked when I smoke. Full background: The first time I smoked I took an inappropriate amount of hits of some blue dream off of a blunt and thought I was seriously going to die. Second time was out of a pipe, agent orange. I was scared I was going to panic, didn't smoke much so my high wasn't that strong. Just munchies and relaxation. The third and most recent time was a few quick hits of reggie out of a pipe and I got fucked. I panicked at the feeling at first but it wasn't bad. A nice floaty feeling. But I'm still not satisfied with the high because of the underlying anxiety. I know that if I'm not careful I will panic, because as soon as I take a hit my heart beats faster. SO I'm collecting tips and tricks on how to not panic. I know the method of smoking effects speed and intensity of the high. So I would like to know what method of smoking (as in joint, pipe, etc) is best for people like me?

  2. I'm the same way man have been for 3 or 4 years. Thats why i only smoke by myself. I can't enjoy it with other people because i start having a panic attack and can't focus on anything but it. Even when i smoke by myself i get panic attacks but it wears off in 15-20 minutes. I just quit smoking because the panic attacks ruin it for me and i can't enjoy it anymore. If i absolutely have to do it by myself i just shouldn't be smoking.
  3. I was like that too but it's something that you will continually get better at. I'd recommend smoking by yourself and getting comfortable with the high. Try using a pipe and take breaks in between hits so you don't have everything overwhelm you all at once.
  4. Agree with the fine gents above ... also you may want to try hybrids with less sativa phenotype and a moderate amount of THC with good amount of CBD to help battle anxiety and to make sure your anxiety isnt exaggerated by the high THC ...... many strains are being bred for the main goal to increase THC production .... its whats sought after by most users. However high percentage of THC tend to exacerbate anxiety and palpitation when there afent enough other cannabinoids and terpenes to counteract these negative side effect.
    Now if you grow your own bud, id say let it go a week or so longer to allow a comprehensive profile of other cannabiboids (other than THC that is) to develop and balance the high you get out of your bud. I hope this helps ;-)
  5. The method you use to smoke is not what you should be changing. Sounds like you just need to be smoking some heavy indicas, something to slow you down.
  6. I have to admit, weed has helped me with my anxiety, not so sure about my depression though. I have been on all kinds of anti-anxiety meds and none have worked for me. I am also on Zoloft 100, I lowered from 200 since I also smoke weed. I don't smoke a lot of weed. $25 worth can last me about a month. I take like three hits from my small pipe every other day (or maybe 2 or 3 days can pass) and I don't smoke it. I am also on anti-anxiety meds which aren't working for me as well. I tak Doxepin 25 mg. and Gabapentin 300 mg 3x a day. I only smoke when I am stressed or I am too wired-up. I am able to tell the difference when I smoke weed because, when my anxiety is bad, even when I take my meds, I brush my teeth hard and fast, eat fast, do everything like my head is cut off. On the other hand, when I smoke weed, I do everything in a calmer manner. I am not sure if it is the strain of the weed, but no matter what strain it is, I feel the difference with my anxiety issues. I am thinking about eventually weaning off my Zoloft and smoking the weed. I am not sure about the other meds though since I am still battling with the depression a little bit. Whether, I smoke or not, I still think about the past and constantly bring it up in conversation with my boyfriend. I know I have to go for therapy. I also know that meditation and yoga helps. I have to push myself to do something. This is the only way I can deal with my depression.

    I have to say, I only use my weed as medicinal. Sometimes I don't smoke for a couple of days, but then I feel stressed out or my anxiety is out of whack so I smoke a little. I don't smoke to get stoned nor do I overeat.

    I don't get a prescription for marijuana yet because I live in the state of Florida, but I am sure when it becomes legal for medicinal, I will be the first on line.

  7. man just smoke anything really. say after a long hard day at school or work a blunt is always cool. Or if you don't have enough for a blunt you could smoke a j
  8. 1. Calm the hell down/meditate
    2. light weed
    3. inhale smoke
    4.get high its just weed you aint gonna die

    I was the same way when i started smoking but you have to realize its weed..its been used for thousands of years medically, spiritually, and recreationally and its not gonna kill you, all the years of anti-weed propaganda have made you think its bad but you have to break out of that shell.

  9. suppository
  10. [​IMG]
  11. I wouldn't recommend quitting the Zoloft, you mention having trouble with depression still and that's the pill for it. I have rabid anxiety too, weed is the only thing that really kicks it in the ass. I do smoke every day, sometimes twice a day. I think I'd up your weed dosage if it were me.
  12. you need to try vaping. get a desktop unit that has a variable adjustment for the temp at which you vape. that will allow you to vape some of the psychoactive stuff but not all of it. also with vaping it isn't as hash, doesn't smell nearly as strong and portable units are great for stealth smoking while on the go.

    i noticed that vaping worked for me far better then different strains, amount i smoked, and how often i smoked. i noticed that edibles didn't have the same effect as smoking does as far as anxiety and panic attacks go. the only thing i didn't like at the time was how long it took to effect me, how long the effect lasted {a little to long} and how powerful edibles can be so they leave me with a hang over kind of.
  13. This sounds good. We'll give it a try. Thanks.
  14. Take a deep breath right before you hit, remember that smoking will only make your problem better, I get the jitters before I start smoking but the best thing to do is relax because no matter what it will end well

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