Best Lighting for tent 48 x 24 x 60

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by savagewoods, May 21, 2017.

  1. Im thinking I have the wrong wattage in my tent and was hoping a could get a few suggestions on wattage,.. Im thinking or solar storm as the brand because I hear LED is the best !
  2. There are a lot to pick from. The Solar Storms are nice, but they are more for a 3x3. It does depend on your budget and what light do you currently have? And do you ever plan on upgrading?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. I have a kingbo 45w LED,..Gifted to me so I didn't have a choice,.. I'm grateful I just know I need more wattage you know , growths been slow
  4. Yeah no doubt there :D If you are in a legal state you can try criagslist, a lot of stuff goes on there. If that idea doesn't help talk more about your budget and your current set up. Then others can give you more ideas.
  5. my budgets like 300 bucks what about my set up
  6. If electricity and/or temperature control is an issue..suggest a Chinese LED..So many to choose from: Names INCLUDE: Mars (check reliability reports),VIPARSPECTRA (recently posed a fire hazard to one of our members), Meizhi (pretty new Name, but reports are promising), King, and a host of others..

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