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best foods to snack on when high?

Discussion in 'General' started by xx420stoner420xx, Jan 30, 2014.

  1. what do you think the best foods to snack on when your high are?
    mine is warm poptarts
    and why do they make the registration here so hard to get into!! 

  2. coffee and pizza. not sure why but i love that combo when im lifted.
  3. I just had some steamed broccoli :p
  4. i'm eating a baked potato. its good

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  5. grilled stuff jalapenos are great when high
  6. [quote name="Cheif leaf420" post="19433624" timestamp="1391063045"]I just had some steamed broccoli :p[/quote] he said best foods, not smelliest foodsSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  7. A chicken burrito from chipotle, fuck I'm hungry nowSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  8. mmmmm! soo good. gonna have to make some soon now

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    yep, cheap, tasty and filling. quick to make too. :)
  10. The diner on campus used to make these bangin quesadillas but this semester they taste different :/

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