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BEST CONCERT EVER Wiz khalifa & mac miller!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by traviekush, Jul 28, 2012.

  1. Omg dude the perfomances where crazy the crowd was turnt up! people where passing joints around like crazy i literally smoked like 20 joints awesome i love chicago
  2. EVER!!!

    Damn I wish I was you, life would actually be interesting, instead I have a normal :)poke:) brain and it's not
  3. Haha change the title bro. Best concert ever, and wiz&mac don't go together. But i'm glad you had a good time.
  4. Yea fuckin awesome good vibes all peace
  5. I know some ppl who went. Wasn't Kendrick there too. I sort of wanted to see him

  6. SORT OF? :devious:
  7. Raps not my thing but sounds like a fucking fun concert! best concert I ever went to was STS9 at red rocks
  8. I defiantly wouldn't call it the best concert, I wouldn't even call it a good concert with Wiz and Mac Miller as the headliners haha, but it is awesome that they were passing all the joints around so casually.
  9. i was in vip nigggga, such a great show! shoulda hit me up bro
  10. I'd like to see Wiz Khalifa live. That guy is just funny and he has some cool tracks. (Not a purely hiphop guy, but I go from Death Metal to Hiphop to smooth Jazz and on the way back past some electro-house pop and dance music)
  11. fuckin awesome dude i went to a metallica concert that was epic the death magnetic tour im going to an iron maiden concerit in a couple days that im stoked about
  12. FUCK MAC MILLER ITS SAD HE IS IN THE MUSIC INDUSTRY....WORST *RAPPER* EVER. wiz khalifa is okay, not my style, but hes good has a few good songs. mac miller, iwould prefer to eat shit then listen to that fucking douchebag
  13. I wAnted to go to a show on that tour sooooo bad but they aren't havin any around me
  14. Thats awesome I'm seeing The Influence tour next week in NY!
  15. Honestly none of them suck & trust me if you seen them live & smoked as much weed as i did you would be vibing & feeling great
  16. Sounds like you haven't been to a lot of concerts.
  17. Saw wiz khalifa & andre Nicky, pretty dope
  18. Lol yea my first its just that the vibe was something felt no one could explain dude i mean being high plus when wiz played mary 3x it felt so peaceful
  19. Fuck Mac Miller. KIDS was pretty dope but everything after that is music that 16 year old girls listen too. Wiz is pretty tight though. Sounds like how the KMK concerts are with all the weed.
  20. I've been to tons of concerts...lollapalooza 97 I smoked snoop doggs blunt he passed to the
    crowd :)

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