Local head shop is having a 50% off sale coming up and im spending 250 $$, so in your opinion what is the best bong i can get for about 450-500 i want atleast 2 footer, with percolators everywhere, and possibly an inline
how the fuck would we know what your headshop has... and why dont u just tell them exactly what u told us...
If I had 500 to spend on a smoking device I wouldn't buy a bong. I would buy one of those Volcano vaporizers. How can anyone justify spending 500 on a bong. That seems like way too much. What's wrong with a little 2 footer?
no need to be rude guys, for your question, just go to the headshop, look at what they have in that price range specifically, and maybe spend a little less and get some other extra things like ash catchers, beeline, grinders, bowls, chillums, etc. WHAT EVER YOU WANT ! lol but once you walk in and see what they have, the best way to find out what you TRULEY want is when it catches your eye when you see it Look at name brands, roor, toro, pure, etc. just some common ones, and you'll know what you want when you see it man.
How you can justify spending $500 on a Volcano is a better question. I own one and I'm constantly asking myself why the fuck I bought that piece of shit in the first place (the answer being I was a noob and fell victim to the marketing and name recognition that it has, like most who don't know about good vapes do). Haven't used it in forever. Take the top off and tell me again you want to spend $500+ on a big freaking mess of electrical wire, rubber tubing and plastic. Oh yeah and the vapor path travels over the electronics (quite unhealthy and low quality if you ask me) and it uses an ALUMINUM HEATING BLOCK. Sorry, I don't want Alzheimer's.
^^^^definately the west wall that's exactly were mines was at and it was also 50% off XD do some window shopping dude, when you see it you'll kno
agreed ^ go look around a picture is a million words and in person you can hold it and get a feel for it see if you like it up close.