Being Nice vs Being Real.

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by coalition17, May 11, 2012.

  1. So yesterday, my girlfriend found out I lied about missing my interview on the 9th. I told her I went and they told me to come back the next day also to set up my drug test. In reality, I overslept and missed in on the 9th, but they liked me enough that when I came in on the 10th and told them I must have been mistaken and though it was the 10th at 10:30, they interviewed me anyways and gave me my drug test info.
    Well, she wigged out, and start saying she didn't trust me anymore. She broke up with me and sat in the bathroom crying for 10 minutes.
    I apologized, and told her she sounded ridiculous. I understand some people get mad over the principle of lying, but I'm realistic... I see the content of the lie more important than the lie itself.
    She said "You looked in my face and lied to me. How do I know you haven't been lying about other things?"
    I told her, I have no reason to lie about anything else, the only reason I lied was to make myself not seem like a complete loser.

    To sum it up, she got mad and wouldn't talk so I went downstairs and hung out in my friend's apartment for a while. She texted me and asked me to come back up.
    I got there and she asked me to lay down in bed and she said she didn't want to break up.
    Then we fucked.

    So really... I'm beginning to see the potential in being honest... In the sense that instead of sitting there and telling her you're sorry repeatedly and saying you love her just to get her forgiveness... Tell her your true opinion and leave it at that.
    Being overly nice to make her forgive you is bullshit.. Because it's usually faked.

    Anyone else have similar experiences or input?

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