being dry sucks.

Discussion in 'General' started by Da_Jtac_0, Nov 3, 2008.

  1. for two weeks i've been dry and since last wednesday i've been talking to my dealer. he said he could get me stuff on wednesday then didn't answer my calls for two days. i talked to him today and he said he could get me some at 8 when he gets off. then he calsl at 8 and says where we will meet and said in a half hour. so i wait for him to call and tell me to meet him. an hour and a half later i call him to see whats up and he says he might not be able to come because he has no ride. i'm not even mad that he cant come just that he didn't tell me straight up. i am kinda annoyed because i havent been high in sooo long and this is a such a shitty way to end my t- break 2 weeks ago. i also dont wanna fuck around with other stuff and dont like drinking. kinda considering smoking a cigar i was saving to roll with but right now i'm so mad i might need to. /end rant

    btw i also have no car.
  2. Call up one of your friends get them to bring some over and tell them you'll smoke them up when you get yours.
  3. that sucks dude. i hate being dry.

    and maybe fine a new dealer? maybe someone... more serious bout it all.

    I know dealers that will walk to meet people to sell to.

    but don't trip man, the next bowl you spark will be oh so sweet. till then, hang in there.
  4. yeah my whole town was dry this weekend. i was luckly able to get a quad of dro today tho.

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