Being a Delivery Driver

Discussion in 'General' started by Sploo, Nov 13, 2009.

  1. Hey, GC, so i FINALLY got a job offer and it's to be a delivery driver at a local chinese place.

    I had a few questions for my fellow blades if you know:
    What where the (if any) insurance increases when you became a delivery person?
    Did your employer pay for all/a portion of your gas?
    Did you have a GPS?

    Thanks my fellow delivery folk!
  2. my boyfriend delivered pizza for a while a couple months ago when we were short on cash.

    he got:

    no gps
    no comp for mileage at all.
    and if we got into a wreck on the job, they werent liable.

    :( yeah lol. ask your manager or who it concerns, those questions. if anything they should tell you those from the start. but if you know the area well you wouldnt need a gps. and unless you run over someone i doubt your insurance wouldnt care that your delivering chinese food. but your pay should be able to cover gas and stuff, but talk to them about it, your manager is the only one who knows those answers pertaining to that company. hopefully they will be cooler and you will get that stuff!
  3. chinese food delivery driver? so is it your job to go pick the cats and dogs up from the pound?
  4. definitely don't tell your insurance if you don't have to, it does cost more if you have to drive for your job.
  5. I do delivery and at my place they don't have you money for gas. Although, on every order you take you get 4% commission, which comes out to be like $40 extra on your paycheck.

    Insurance is just your rates go up if you get into an accident on the job.

    I dont have a GPS either, I use a map, pen, and paper. :smoking:
  6. I was a pizza boy for a couple of years about 8 years ago. I don't know about the insurance because I didn't carry any at the time, but I just used a map to get around. Eventually it's pretty easy because the same people order all of the time. It was a great job, just basically drove around and got fucked up all night while collecting money. I used to get a dollar for every delivery plus whatever tips I could get. Easy money.
  7. Ok so i just got back from talking to the manager and here is the deal with mine:
    No gas payment
    Unsure how much insurance will go up
    $5 a delivery + all tips

    $5 a delivery seems really shitty to me especially because he said i'll work sunday to thursday. If the insurance increase isn't much or any at all i'm pretty sure ill take the job but if it's going to be like $30 each month it probably won't be worth it with low wage + gas + insurance + extra insurance bullshit.
  8. If it's a popular place you'd be surprised how much money you make.
  9. True, but most places are most popular friday and saturday, where as i work sunday to thursday. I guess if i factor in tips it doesnt seem too bad. I'll be able to make a better decision when i find out the insurance increase.

    Any pizza/food delivery drivers want to share any tips/advice?
  10. Carry a knife or gun in your car. I used to deliver pizza for rocky Roccocos and i got robbed on allied. For those in Madison you'll know haha. But yeah hae some sort of protection incase of a robbery even if it's just mace. But yeah it's fun I got tipped with beer and bong hits a lot down town.
  11. LMAO. I delivered for a Chinese place from Feb-April.

    They suck to work for. They are all about money. No gas money, no delivery charge, no compensasion for messed up orders.

    I made good money in the city though TBH. You will be spending around 10-20 a day on gas, and about 200+ miles a day. Given you are in a city that is.

    I made 5.50 an hour + tips. Every night I would make an average of $40 profit, after gas and cigs. Which was better than I make now delivering pizza. Only catch is that I am so close to home, and not an hour away.

    Most likely your hours will be a 11-2 and 5-10 kinda thing. A split shift. Do carry a knife. Keep all of your reciepts. That is how they tell which orders were yours.

    Keep all of your money and reciepts in your right pocket, all change and tips in the left. Try making it look hard to find change too. Most people are like fuck it.
  12. There is no extra insurance at all. I delivered pizza for about 9 months.
  13. Yes there is, at least where i live. You have to pay extra if you use your vehicle for work or if you're transporting paid goods (i.e. delivery).
  14. lol i just got a job at a chinese restaurant their not gonna cover shit for ya, their just payin you to work.
    Which is why you gotta be super careful with yourself deliverin... And your car. My breaks barely work so I have to be on the pedal to slow down, it's not too bad though I've learnt to not speed everywhere now that I'm just delivering..
    I say I'd make about 4 bux per delivery and I don't do that many but it's great pocket change I say.... My gas isn't covered for but 10 bux every day and a half isn't bad either.
  15. I delivered pizza 4 nights a week for a fairly busy place during my senior year. I got paid below minimum wage, and got 1.50 extra per delivery. With tips though, on a six hour friday shift, if i hurried i could make 100 buck in tips, plus pay. its not a bad job, its just tough on your car.

    -roll some joints before work.
    -if your boss isn't cool, make sure you got gum and eye drops.
    -keep your car well maintained, cause if that shit piles up then your car is gonna be fucked.
    -be nice to the people you deliver to (even if they're assholes), cause often people order all the time for the place. the better they know you, the more likely they are to tip well.
    -be nice to the cooks or people in the kitchen, cause they can hook you up with some good munchies haha.
    -sounds ridiculous, but carry some form of protection, cause my buddy got mugged on the job. also, carry as little money on you as possible, so you don't get fucked if you're robbed, and if someone starts shit, just give them the money and run, it ain't worth it.
    -recommend your friends to eat there, cause more business=more tips, but don't let them take advantage of you for free food

    can't think of any more...

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