So I've been 21 for a few months now and this shit is boring. I'm not a drinker do that ain't nothin. What's next 30? You don't ever hear anyone praise that age. Then there's 40 and 50? Damn maybe I should look forward to the day I turn 90!
Your car insurance will go down and you can rent cars at 25.There's something to look forward to ha ha.
Haha, dude enjoy this time while you got it...someday you might have kids, then you wont be able to enjoy anything.,
I don't want to grow up to be 90. Can 90 year olds even spark a J? And what if I'll have to wear diapers by the time I'm that age?! Fuuuuck!
Being 30 is great! you just are too young to know that yet, but when u get there u will be like, this is great, i have been grown up for a while now & people begin to respect your opinion more with age, cause ur not just some kid anymore, like u are still now. and 40 is the same as 30 FYI.
I like being 30 waaayy more then being in my 20's. I'm old enough now to know better, but still young enough to not give a single fuck.
Yup, I'm looking forward to 25 when my insurance goes down. After that? Haha, I'm already stoked for when I'm 65+ and can retire.
Iv'e been 21 for about 9 months now and i still haven't been to a bar. I did however get addicted to those Bud Light Platinums and went through about 15 cases until i realized i had spent over $200 on beers and could have spent half of that on natty ice... They were good while they lasted though.
yea it's really not unless you're the type that goes out to the club as much as possible. i fuckin hate clubbing though.
I agree op. 22 and 23 weren't either. Quit drinking shortly after 21 too.. But hey, I lived through em and have some stuff to smile about if I look back.....Thats good right?