Beginning Of The End

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by zmasterflash, May 16, 2014.

  1. First a little backstory: I have been in a relationship with my daughters mother for the better part of 8 years, we've had ups and downs and all that jazz. A couple years ago we started having threesomes but due to our immaturity it just complicated things immensely. Ever since then we've been slightly off if ya know what I mean and we've been slowly drifting apart. I take most if not all the blame for this as I pushed her to do this and within the last two years I had been pushing for an open relationship. She agreed reluctantly it seems. Anyhow a couple fuck ups and missed opportunities later and here we are on the edge of the precipice and she tells me she isn't happy and hasn't been for awhile. I told her I know and I'm not upset I just want her to be happy, whether that's with me or not is beside the point. So a couple weeks ago she went to visit some friends and ended up having sex with them, no biggie cause of the open relationship,right? Right. Anywho here I am after a long talk with her tonight and I just don't know what I'm going to do anymore. I don't know what I want but the thought of her not sleeping next to me scares me a bit. I guess I just don't want to be alone. Now due to my general lack of caring she is well on her way to leaving and I'm not surprised as I was a complete ass. I don't know why I'm posting this, just to vent I guess but what gets me is she was just fine going to have fun with other people but the minute I started talking to other women it was the end of the world. I'm just confused I mean if she didn't want to be in an open relationship and just agreed for my sake then why oh why did she act upon that while gone with friends? Like I said just venting ISO what to think or so anymore

    Sent from my mind
  2. Well from what I gathered, you said she reluctantly agreed to an open relationship. She was probably scared of losing you and agreed to it to keep a hold of you. After a bit of time goes by and she falls out of love and is unhappy she had no problem sleeping with other people even if she didnt necessarily want the open relationship, and it was justified because its what YOU wanted.
  3. Makes sense. I'm just gonna go wallow in my own self pity stay lifted homes

    Sent from my mind
  4. Swallow your pride, if you really care, you can ask her for a closed relationship. Maybe she won't want that anymore though.

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