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Beginners Luck?

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by pistilicious, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. Hey everyone,A freshy here.Nice to meet you all!:wave:Champion smoker,but Ive never tried growing till now.Actually me and my close friend( roomate )found some seeds in some good smoke we had.She said Im gonna try growing some from these just to see what happens.well 2 of 4 germinated and she put them in some potting soil and they took right off.We named them Mary & Jane.They went into soil around halloween.There in a closet thats 2 ft.wide X8 ft.longX 8ft. tall.We are using cfl lighting only.We vegged them for 6 wks.At that point we decided to cut two clones off each plant,get them to grow roots.and put them into 12/12 light to determine sex.everything went ok except the 2 clones from mary died due to what we think was inadequate drainage in the plastic drinking cups they were in.Live and learn!? Well while the 2 clones from jane were 3-4 days into 12/12 I noticed what was preflowers on mary & jane.I looked w/magnifying glass and found small pistils on both!!:hello:We then took the 2 clones and put them back into veg figuring we could use one or both for mothers to cut clones from in the future.We rent in a duplex and are moving to a house of our own in mid march.So we thought we'd flower the 2 bigger gals and bring the 2 clones (mothers) to the new house and keep this strain going.We put Mary & jane into 12/12 on jan. 4th. I am enclosing some early pics and will keep adding to get people caught up.Weve gotten most of our info from the net.One other forum we were on trying to get info was getting no responses from people.mostly anti cfl jealous ones in my opinion.:DWe thought we'd try here and see if theres anyone as excited as us about these girlz! hope to hear from ya's...Man did I just write a novel??? These are the earliest pics we could find right now the bigger plants are mary & jane @ 7-8 weeks the smaller ones are the 2 clones @ about 2 weeks

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  2. Heres some pics in case theres any interest?

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  3. Here we are at week 3 of flowering these 2 girlz.they suffered a lil nute burn on leaf tips.other than that i think were ok.We have cfl only in there.about 400 watts worth.10 bulbs all together.above them and on the sides.We also had put them in fox farm soil before flowering when they got transplanted into the 5 gal. buckets.The other soil was m.g. soil with time release nutes in good! Any lower dying fan leafs we have been plucking off as they die.these plants have ALOT of leafs.We tuck as many away from bud sites as we can,but theres so many its impossible.We need these girls to be done by mid march which is when we close on the new house and move from here in april.Their getting stinky.I might have to take a friends(fellow grower) advice and start collecting skunk road kills and throw them in front of the house.;) heres the girlz

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  4. ok so ive almost got the pics caught up to now.heres week 4 for anyone with interest or at worst,some cfl growers who think they cant grow bud with cfl only.I personally think and know that hps is better.But we rent here as alot of people do,and it is not feasible here.cost wise or as far as venting the heat away.our electric bill has gone up $5-$10 more a month with the cfl's.but we also switched all the bulbs in the whole house to cfl at the same time we added the ones 4 the girlz.Im sure we are giving up a lil' yeild but we plan to get setup better @ the new are pics from week 4:) the strain is unknown(good bagseed)the closest ive seen browsing is northern lights .and big bud.if anyone has a guess by something they have or seen,let me know.All I know 4 sure is its gonna be yummy:D

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  5. looks very nice
  6. Thanks max! Nice 2 meet ya! Im just taking some pics of these ladies from 2day right now.I'll have them up shortly.There gettin' juicier everyday.:D
  7. Ok were at week 6 now.we had a low ph issue that was causing the spotty leafs on jane.We fixed this by giving them gardeners lime.which now I will know that it should be added right from the start.Jane is fine now and the buds are getting juicier every day.we looked at trichomes yesterday and some are turning cloudy and a few slight amber.we are going to flush for the next 2 weeks and should be ready to harvest.that will make 8 weeks total.

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