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Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by tabbypeng, Oct 31, 2014.

  1. Boys, basicly this is my first grow, budget grow low cost. i have a few questions that i need help with, would really appreciate some info from some one experienced.
    right, this i what i plan to use..
     600w hps,
     desk fan,
    5 autoflowers in 15 litre pots
    i am going to be feeding them greenhouse powder feed for short flowering..
    at 1st i planned to use canna coco natural fibre, but after reading some forums, iv gotten a little confused,
    on wether to use coco or soil ? and also which brand ? 
    and also geminating, what method should i use for my autoflowers, straight into pots, or paper towel ?
    and also theres a seed starting kit from royal queen seeds,
    would i be better off with that or is that just a waste of money, ?
    thanks, much appreciated if some one could help me 

  2. I let my seeds germinate in glass of water(paper towel is just as good but don't let them dry out) and then plant them straight into the pots of soil I'm going to grow them in.
    As far as I know the GH powder works in any medium. If you're going to use coco I'd germinate them in rockwool cubes and then plant them into the coco. If you go for soil I'd use something like biobizz light mix, no added nutrients.
    You're going to need an extractor fan to keep them happy with fresh air, and a carbon filter if smell is a problem. What are you growing brother? Trying greenhouse cheese myself....
  3. I mostly use Fox Farms Ocean Forest with 50% perlite. The last 4" or so I use Fox Farms Happy Frog/perlite. I germinate by the paper towel method with a heater. 5-6 hours before I plant germinated seed, I ready my pots and water to a little run off.
  4. #4 tabbypeng, Oct 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2014
    im going try a few different amnesia haze's at once, and then choose one or two to stick with, 
    vision - amnesia haze
    royal queen seeds - amnesia haze
    dinafem - amnesia 
    female seeds - haze auto
    all autos, all amnesia, just different breeders i guess, to see which i get most results from 
  5. Starting kit is a waste of money in my opinion if you're on a budget grow.
  6. #6 tabbypeng, Nov 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 1, 2014
    NICE ONE G. 
    \nim going try a few different amnesia haze's at once, and then choose one or two to stick with, 
    \nvision - amnesia haze
    royal queen seeds - amnesia haze
    dinafem - amnesia 
    female seeds - haze auto
    \nall autos, all amnesia, just different breeders i guess, to see which i get most results from 
    \nmate im guna put em in water, what should i use tap water left overnight, or bottled water ? and also how long do i leave in the water for ?
  7. Alright yeah mate might just leave em in water then straight into pots
  8. I hope you have a/c or a good ventilation system otherwise a desk fan isn't going to cut it with a 600w lamp. They will heat stuff up fast.
  9. how about like 2-3 desk fans, would that work ?
  10. how about like 2-3 desk fans, would that work ?
  11. No, get a 6" mixed flow extractor fan and carbon filter... They're cheap enough on ebay or amazon
  12. #12 tabbypeng, Nov 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 1, 2014
    about £50-60 is it ? and where would i put the ducting, tht silver pipe thing ? im not using a tent, im guna just put em in a room on the side
  13. Out the window? You can get a 1m<sup>2</sup> tent for about 50 quid on ebay, that's all mine was. Makes life easier. Money spent the right way at the start will make things easier down the road.... Read this site and do your research, feel free to ask if you're unsure

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