Before You Ask Questions

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Ravaged, Dec 19, 2009.

  1. Please consult Erowid.Org first if you are searching for information on a drug. Many of the questions I see here could easily be answered with just a quick search. They offer a lot of information on a wide range of substances, and also offer dosage recommendations, and some have medical reports/scientific papers. Many questions I've seen asked here cannot be answered because of the GrassCity rules, but are covered here.

    If you are having trouble identifying a pill, or a drug, please consult this for questions about pharmaceuticals, or this if you want to try to identify a street substance based on pictures and properties.

    Hopefully this can cut back on threads asking questions that cannot be answered due to forum rules, or cannot be answered in a timely manner.
  2. Exactly this.

    Please, people, learn to use google and Erowid.

    Yes, Martyr, I'm talking to you.

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