Been thinking lately

Discussion in 'General' started by Gag On Grass, Oct 28, 2006.

  1. We're all trying to figure out where the universe came from and what not, and we are no where near close to discovering it anytime soon. But, i thought we're going at it the wrong way. We're using suffisticated billion dollar equipment with scientists working around the clock researching this stuff. But, the thing is, if we're trying to figure out why we exist, and how existence came to be, we have to think illogical, and we're going about it too logically using equipment and stuff, atleast i think so.

    Now, I'm just a theorist, i definately don't know much, but i think that we're straying from discovering our true meaning the more we advance in technology. Like, way back in the day Egyptians for instance worshipped multiple gods, yet we see them as outdated, and we believe in only one god, most of us anyway, yet they managed creating massive pyramids, and discovered the system of embalming, and all our greatest scholars, and philosophers are from the beginning of time. I'm just saying though, if we continue trying so hard for an answer, we may never find it, because like it's commonly said, the best answers are the simplest. So, what does everyone else thin of the universe and all? I honestly don't take life too seriously knowing how insignificant not only our human race is, but especially me as an individual, who's even much more miniscule in that situation.

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