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Been Robbed, Need Advice

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by dankdude420, Aug 20, 2008.

  1. Well i met some dude at a party who had some crazy looking beesters, they looked like headies but smelt like beesters and said he could hook up a half for 180. I got a call today from the guy and i thought he was gonna hook me up with some but he said he was in need for some and i had some to spear. He wanted an 1/8 of beesters for 40 so i said why the fuck not, i even through in a little heady nug in there to make it a 3.8 to be a nice fucking guy. So i go to meet him up, but his friend comes out of the car; i'm not a big guy, 5'9" 130lbs. This guy is like 6'3" 210lbs and as dark as the pupil in my eye, hes checkin out the bud then reaches for his wallet, but pulls a fucking gun on me! I've never had one pulled on me so i was fucking scared shitless, all in all he took 1/8 of beesters, $60 dollar 1/8 of headies, and my wallet with $200 CASH!!! i'm pretty sure this dude bangs and he fired a warning shot in the air so i know the shit was real. Also, this guy returned my wallet to me which was really weird, but it was empty with just my licence in it so i'm a little greatful for that, so he knows where i live. I know where he lives and im not sure what i should do if anything. Rollin up on him with some of my friends, slash some tires ring the door bell hid behind a bush, when he comes out smash his fucking face in with a baseball bat. but i dont want to put my family in risk
  2. #2 jrsoxfan18, Aug 20, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2008
    I'd cut my losses dude, is it really worth risking getting shot? Just try and make better decisions next time (no black people).

    Wow, that's pretty ridiculous. Racism doesn't fly here. --Hempress
  3. cut your losses bro. I know its shitty, getting jacked is messed up and i hope for all the people who do it especially with a gun get their knees smashed with a lead pipe.

    But if the dudes got a gun and fired it into the air, he isnt playing around(at least as far as you know). and if you go to them and do whatever its just going to escalate. In the end the consequences could be far worse than the 300$ you lost.

    In another thread about somebody getting jacked a guy said pour sugar in their gas tank. Id wait a week, go get one of those 5lb bags of sugar from the supermarket for like four bucks and pour that down his gas tank.. its the least you could do.
  4. He pulled a gun on you and fired a warning shot? Yeah, not worth it.
  5. Lmao!!

    But seriously, people of all races can and will rob you...
  6. dude thats fucked should be banned for a racist statement like that
  7. Guns are not something you should fight with a bat.
  8. If your gonna do anything you better roll by his pad when he is outside and spray and hit him. If your smart your not gonna ever speak to this guy again because you are definitely gonna get bucked on if you spray and miss.
  9. I would wait about a month… sneak into his room with a couple. of friends. Get yourself a good brick nail him in the head…:mad: Pick his big ass up put him in the trunk take him downtown naked and drop his big ass off. On his chest in marker put who's the tough guy now! Or you can do what everyone else does and just cut your loses.:hello:
  10. cut his fuckin head off

    dont let let shit fly or everyone and their grandmother will walk all over you

    do you want that??? no

    so cut his fuckin head off

  11. alright as a former 3 year gang banger(i left by now) i know how these things work so heres my advice to you.. my "homies" robbed people before cause they think its cool nd they are desperate.. and when the people would retaliate later on things would escalate to a point of which families are threatened and sometimes injured to show to not mess with them. i've pit in my share of work with peopel who piss me off and thats why nobody pisses me off lol. but anyways back to the story..normally i am a nice guy unless you get on my wrong side and then things can turn into a murderous situation.. and when it comes to those kinda guys most are like that all the time just to get what they want.. your better off counting it as a loss not talking to this guy and moving because he WILL eventually rob your house because they expect you to retaliate if he gave you your wallet back and if you dont they will think your scare dof tem and then they will rob you of all you got. which again it does not mean do anything.. leave it alone and move
  12. don't retaliate, but if you don't have a gun, get one and if they come to your house shoot them in the fucking head.
  13. You can either make it your sole purpose to find information on this man and kill him...or you can't.

    I mean, there's really no point in doing anything else cause he seems stupid enough to kill you or seriously harm you. If you just beat the shit out of him, he might just fucking kill you.

    If you decide you want to kill him and steal all his shit. I guess you just have to get a gun and a big pair of balls. In all honesty, the person who robbed you is fucking retarded and obviously has nothing to lose and is a fuck of a person. I would kill him, but that's just me. (joking, or maybe not...I've never been robbed and I'm pretty sure I could get away with murder...)

    Also, where were you slanging at? In no scenario should some big black man be able to pull a gun and fire off a warning shot without some suspicion being aroused. Where you in the middle of nowhere or what?
  14. WOOHOO brutal murder!!!

    hey while your at it you should rob a bank,

    seriously brush the dirt off and deal, yea

    getting robbed sucks but really, 300 bucks for 25 years

    priorities, priorities, priorities
  15. #15 vc77, Aug 20, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 20, 2008
    To be honest, if you plan on doing anything, wait a while. The situation is still hot. Chances are this guy is going to fuck over a few more people in the coming months. Let it go for now.

    He'll get what's coming in the end, be it from you, someone else, or the wrath of this cruel earth. I personally would burn his fucking house to the ground if I knew I could get away with it (Don't think I could though. 4 1/2 years in the US Army and 1 year in Iraq makes you senseless to violence, so don't listen to me.)
  16. I think you should ride on them B***hs right now
  17. Haha. Dude, just think though. Priorities of that black man were to jack his shit. Clearly, his priorities are what caused this entire scenario. There are no legal ramifications so its case closed and he has no worries. He jacked his shit and there are no consequences.

    But ya, you know you aren't going to do anything. None of us are really as stupid as acting on big instances of violence. Odds are it would escalate until shit gets too real. I'm sure that would happen to basically everyone not willing to threaten life with lethal force (like the black man!).

    Trippy cycle of violence. He is scary looking, then acts fucking crazy, so he gets away with being fucking crazy. He really seized the day.
  18. shit you should said listen you that is just fucking rude and slapped him in the face with a glove thusthly invoking a challenge to a dual
  19. just relax 200 isnt a big loss, we got held at gun point for 4500.

    things learned;
    -know your people
    -lock down your house, get a big dog i have a 160lb saint that works
    -trust only family and the closest of friends
    -be smart

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