I don't know about all of you, but sometimes I feel like the only guy in my "class" (street kid, criminal record etc.) who listens to this kind of music outside of movies and enjoys it. I think classical style music is so beautiful, and I'm hoping some of you guys are into it too. I'm not a connoisseur when it comes to it, so I'm hoping to expand my horizons and get more stuff to listen to. Post em up if you have em. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwWiJDGiPP4&feature=related]YouTube - Chaz Knapp - Célébration à une Nouvelle Vie.[/ame] [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rluU6BGpKw]YouTube - Max Richter - The Nature of Daylight[/ame] That song would be great for a funeral lol, sad but beautiful none the less [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zi8vJ_lMxQI]YouTube - Mozart - Requiem[/ame]
Classical music is amazing. although i still have to listen to a lot of classical music, Mozart and Beethoven are my favorite composers. they are extraordinary. i have to say that listening to Beethoven's 9th symphony under the influences of cannabis is one of the most powerful experience i've had... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAOTCtW9v0M]YouTube - Beethoven Symphony No.9[/ame] good thread op
I forgot all about pandora radio! lol, I just type in the name of the composers that I do know, and it plays a bunch of similar music from other people. I been getting a lot of good stuff so far, pandora radio is a good way to expand musical tastes imo.
Such passionate music, I almost feel like this song is the story of my life. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQVeaIHWWck]YouTube - Moonlight Sonata[/ame]