
Discussion in 'Marijuana Seeds Banks' started by DarthRasta, Jul 30, 2017.

  1. So I placed an order on Herbies and the shipping seemed to have been going smooth. Got to US in 2 days got through ISC NY in 3 and took another 2 to get to me in PA. On Friday USPS tracking said it would be delivered that day and later on said they attempted to deliver but there was no secure location and they left a note.. problem is there was no note so I rescheduled the delivery like it said for the next day and waited on the porch for the mailman he came with no package and when asked he said he didn't see anything else for me. Has this happened to anyone else, did my seeds get nabbed, are there cops waiting for me to grab it at the post office or something?
  2. if you are nabbed the feds are polite enough to give you

    your empty pack with a green fed sticker on the cover

    good luck .....CHILL!
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. So it's probably safe to go to PO and pick it up?
  4. yes but I'd avoid that very move

    I'm very very fucking old and FREE

    the way I like it
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  5. So should I have it redelivered again or what
  6. just chill for 10 days
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